Nancy Pelosi and impeachment

I believe that this entire “Impeachment” circus is the only way the Democrats can say/do whatever they feel necessary, instead of actually working with the President - despite their pure and unadultrated hatred for him - doing what they were elected in the first place - and that is getting to the People’s work.

So Hillary lost the election…move on already!
But the Democrats are too arrogant to do so.

That’s fine, laugh as you will, but Americans who value the rule of law have a different view of this.

Let Fox News analyst Andrew Napolitano explain:

“So when Bob Mueller said the president of the United States did about a dozen things to slow down, impede, negate, or interfere with the investigation of his campaign, or of his former national security advisor, Gen. Michael Flynn, that is a serious allegation of criminal activity. So when the president asked his former advisor and my former colleague at Fox News, KT McFarland, to write an untruthful letter to the file, knowing the government would subpoena it, that’s obstruction of justice. When the president asked Corey Lewandowski, his former campaign manager, to get Mueller fired, that is obstruction of justice. When the president asked his then-White House counsel to get Mueller fired and then lie about it, that’s obstruction of justice. When the president asked Don McGahn to go back to the special counsel and change his testimony that’s obstruction of justice. When he dangled the pardon in front of Michael Cohen in order to prevent Cohen from testifying against him that is obstruction of justice. Why not charge him?”

Look, the republicans didn’t work with Obama, and the leadership of the Republican Party declaimed from day one that it was going to be his mission to ensure that Obama was a one term president. The country’s traditional process is broken and they’re ALL to blame. Patronizing won’t lead to repair.

They didn’t get a chance to do so. Pelosi locked them out of ObubbaCare meetings, then presented a bill saying we’d have to pass the bill to see what’s in it.

On DACA, Obubba made an EO that he knew was illegal.

Obubba was a one man band.

No one really cares except those who want Queen Hillary’s tittie. Even Judge Napolitano is just egging you people on, hoping you take the bait.

“Why not charge him?”

LoL :joy:

I said to you in another post that if evidence mounted one would hope that Republican senators changed there positions. But I also pointed out that America is far too bipolar for that eventuality, and it would be the same way for democrats were it reversed. The new normal is near zero cooperation across the isle and obstruction of progress from both parties.

Are you holding your breath for the evidence that all the GOP’ers in the Senate will say ah ha.

Listening to Trump carrying on about her in his re election kick off the other day makes one wonder why he hasn’t moved on already…:rofl: