NAACP urges Black consumers to steer buying power away from companies that have ditched DEI

That should really cut down on what retailers call “shrinkage” also known as shoplifting. The more of these NAACP dubbed “victims” avoid the stores, the more profitable the stores become.
Is this the NAACP saying fuck you to MLK ? The dems and these nitwit organizations wan t to keep racism ALIVE AND PROFITABLE . Blacks will never learn these are the chains that bind YOU !
Time for retailers to celebrating an imminent drop in shoplifting.

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This is a great article and proves once and for all that the grifters and conman’s of the world eventually get the Karma justice that they deserve for perpetrating false race narratives in order to profit from it in the end.

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Guilt is costly ! Far too many dumbazzes that bought into racism and sexism . And church’s and blacks cashed in .

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This pretty much says it all to me. Who brought you DEI!


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Barry and big Mike are the real racist . They preached division for 8 fucking years .

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No doubt! Smith’s commentary is spot on and slowly the public is turning on them with these little revelations expressed in a fervent truth tell!

"Let’s make black responsible again " :100: