So let me get this straight, if you insult everyone here with contemptuous arrogance, people loose trust in you, then you’re trust level is downgraded. Sounds about right. Sounds logical. Yep.
Good God, man. Are you saying voters should not have a choice?
Are you even an American? You seem to be very unfamiliar with a democratic republic/constitutional republic and how it actually works.
You need to be better educated by your CCP masters. They left you hanging.
His behavior is absolutely deplorable. He’s crossed the line many times.
We can handle that but to insult America and our way of life goes beyond the pale.
I honestly have to wonder if this is a CCP plant on this board.
Well, if he is working for the Brock farm then yes he is working for the CCP.
Quite frankly, I don’t care. I’m sick and tired of these idiots who think they have all of the answers.
Given a position of power they’d muck it up so badly they’d be in the history books with “what not to do”
And quite frankly? I’m disappointed in people who respond to these shills.
Why? Boredom? Ego?
Isn’t there enough going on right now that we can keep this board clean?
Dissent is a fine thing. But stooping to this level?
Founding members be stewards. Help out the moderators for crap’s sake and put your ego’s aside.
I’m with you on that. I don’t mind having a rational discussion with anyone. I don’t pretend (or act as if) I have all the answers [ to everything]. Because, I am far from that. But when idiots like him and others want to spend most of their time(s) bashing members or anyone, I don’t even bother having any (rational) discussions with them. I don’t bother wasting my time trying to even figure out why this person (generalization) is saying the things as if…“He knows it all” mentality. I could care less.
Then have one.
Ignore those who are not willing to have a rational, civil discussion.
Help out our moderators. Be a net gain and an asset to the board.
I am working on that.
Learn it here and in your everyday life.
“Someone is denying me access”
To be sure I understand you
You say I’m not being denied access, then you admit that my access has been gated…
I’ve committed no offense for which I’ve been cited, but my behavior has been judged, what, “insufficiently credulous”?
Just curious, whoever inappropriately flagged my posts last night, obliging a mod to repost them - are they being sanctioned for “behavior”?
Maybe we need to take this discussion over to a thread in which everyone complains about the censorship of reactionary views, Tovarish…
No…read it again.
If you want to talk about “the people’s choice” you would look to the popular vote…
The merits of the barbaric relic are an entirely different matter…I would only point out that privileging it over the popular will has given us two of the worst presidents ever…in the first 20 years of this century.
It seems that you are always “angry” with Trump. It’s understandable. You have the right to be. It’s call “Free Speech”. But to trash and call people names, just because you don’t approve their posts or point of view - is deem inappropriate. It’s downright “childish”.
There are also times, you “act” as you know more than others. I am sure there are a lot of things you really don’t know. And that’s okay. It’s okay to be human. It’s your brash of your ‘behavior’ that makes us NOT want to hold a rational discussion with you. Because, if we do, you fly off the handle and start your countless bickering.
It’s okay to rant. It’s what the place is for. But do it ever-so constantly? Seriously?
The place was doing much better before you came here. We all disagreed on various topics. But we didn’t have to call others names. And we didn’t have to act childish. I am sure we are all adults here.
You aren’t being denied access. Your trust level has been reduced to the lowest level of trust that this community offers. As such, you will have a limited number of posts per day, a limited number of links, and you will lack the ability to upload attachments. You should consider this a generous offer since you have violated the vast majority of our rules here. At this point, the next step is a permanent ban…which is something you have already earned and which we will exercise at our discretion.
We use a Google Perspective API for situations like this…to identify toxic language and to gather metrics on posting patterns. Google made those decisions for us. If you don’t like the way Google filters things then you can take it up with them. The metrics were useful to say the least. Thanks for that. We have turned Google Perspective API off now that we have the information we needed.
Smart. Use their own tools against them. I love you guys.
I haven’t violated squat.
I find it interesting that no specific violations have been listed…all my flagged posts were immediately restored, unedited.
I am not in the habit of posting gifs, memes, or dubious sources.
The simple truth is that I disturb the tranquility of your herd. I do so by dispassionately dismembering your Articles of Faith.
You lot are at a distinct disadvantage trying to compete in a text based format…because you take your information by radio and TV, you are conditioned to Slogans rather than arguments.
When you bring your slogans to a more rigorous arena, you’re like rudderless dirigibles describing slow circles over a SAM installation.
This is why any contest must be handicapped - either with the selective application of explicit rules, or the use of less transparent and entirely subjective measures.
I can appreciate why you think your minions need to be coddled, but have they no pride?
No, that is not why…and you know it. We’re not stupid here. It’s just YOU that think we are stupid, because we don’t agree with your point of view(s). My memes are just for entertainment. It is not to attack you personally. I could care even less what your point of views are. To me, they mean NOTHING.
You don’t seem to understand. Or maybe you don’t care either way. It’s okay. No one here is putting a gun to your head.
We are under no obligation to tell you what rules you broke. We will, if necessary, use sophisticated tools and resources to analyze your posts and patterns of language.
No one cares.
Nah - you have an agenda and you do not deviate from it. The metrics and keywords tell the story.
Thanks for the click.
Yet your arguments completely fail to hold water each and every time.
Stop breaking the rules and you won’t be restricted.
When people are personally attacked they tend to respond…yet you already know this and this community would be well advised to stop taking the bait.