Mulvaney walks it back: 'There was absolutely no quid pro quo'

And now, Sondland has reversed his testimony acknowledging that Trump did engage a Quid Pro Quo. And Giuliani, hip deep in trouble, has dropped off into silence and hiding. :rofl:

That is why they call him “Shifty” it’s all bs!

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It’s not so much “walking it back” as it’s having to clarify the MSM distortion of what he said. They took a comment he made out of context which is one of the tricks of the trade of junk journalism.

Quid pro quo is literally “status quo” operation of Government, it’s BAU (business as usual), anywhere from lobbyists, campaign contributions, to foreign aid and that is what he was trying to convey to the bozo reporters and he never said or even implied that the Ukraine phone call was a BAU quid pro quo event, it was the fake news MSM that perpetuated that lie.

Horse trading is the oxygen of politics, it is how politicians are persuaded to care about things that otherwise would not make their radar. Not only does it happen all the time, but it is a core feature of our political system; representative government relies on this kind of political trading to ensure a plurality of interests and needs are satisfied.

That includes voting.

Free healthcare, free college tuition, college debt forgiveness, food stamps, medicaid, etc. Some of the quid pro quo of the left.