Not a word about the lack of indictments of any American for the central allegation of Russian collusion. What are you afraid of, applying your own standard?
In his testimony before Congress Mueller went to great pain to state explicitly that his investigation reached no conclusion on obstruction. The AG and Rod Rosenstein did. Don’t tell me you are shifting your standard from “no violation of the Constitution or law” to “not exonerated of any violation of the Constitution or law” eschewing the presumption of innocence in the process. Oh wait, that’s exactly what you are doing, throwing another foundational principle of our justice system overboard in a desperate attempt to keep the corrupt impeachment inquiry afloat.
The impeachment inquiry is legal, has been upheld by a federal court and YOU cannot demonstrate how it violates law/constitution. So you want to distract by talking about other topics.
I quoted Mueller directly stating his investigation had reached no conclusion on obstruction. But there is a letter you are too lazy to quote. My how impressive.
You tried the same inane maneuver with the diplomat’s opening statement, the mention of its existence is supposed to carry the day. Absurd.
You excerpted part of my comment to distort it. The best you can offer is a childish “I don’t wanna” nothing but a tantrum to avoid reasoned discussion.
Well that was so apparent as for a grade schooler to have seen. White House council went into immediate damage control and Trump was pissed. In fact Trump has been talked out of firing Mulvaney as he knows too much and is better controlled if he remains where he’s at.
So now you want to focus in on obstruction ignoring the fact no so-called collusion was found. After 2 1/5 years and +$30 million of investigation Mueller’s team of Resistance zealots abdicated a prosecutors fundamental responsibility instead he made a partisan declaration presenting a list of accusations for further investigation. Remember, the Starr report enumerated 11 instances where President Clinton broke the law. But Mueller had no interest in justice so he tried to leave Trump twisting in the wind. AG Barr had to clean up the mess Mueller left. Along with Rod Rosenstein the man who appointed Mueller he conducted a through analysis of Mueller’s accusations and concluded they were not worthy of further investigation.
Still not a word on the FACT no American was indicted for so-called collusion with the Russians. You won’t answer questions on ersatz impeachment inquiry corrupt process
Now you dodge the key conclusion of Mueller’s witchhunt.
Bullshit, we knew about collusion before Mueller was ever assigned to it, including the most glaring example of Trump most publicly asking Russia to interfere on his behalf…
And still, you want to talk about anything other than the thread op that you’re in, for obvious reasons. The whistleblower complained of a “this for that” Mulvaney admitted to it and now half a dozen witness have testified under oath corroborating it.
You brought up collusion and now your pivoting because you simply cannot provide hard factual evidence to support your accusation! Typical lefty trying to debate with fake substance! Epic fail!
No he didn’t. Only you demagogues read into what isn’t there. Try to think for yourself instead of parroting the party line of those attempting the bloodless (for now) coup.