Multiple Victims Killed by Angry Black Democrat in shooting at Government building in Virginia Beach

They are still trying to spin it though…

Now who would have guessed that politicians would respond immediately with more calls for gun control?

What we need is anger control.

Random shooting of 12 + 4 victims (deaths + serious injuries) would have hit about 3 black people… assuming that building was representative of Virginia Beach.

It will be interesting to see the demographics of the victims.

Absolutely! But we know how the Democrats always cry foul everytime there is some shooting. Whether it is a school shooting. Or some stupid-ass lone gunman gone whacky.

Residual trauma back from the cotton fields and constant racism made this poor black man snap.

It is obvious that whitey is at fault here again !

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It took nearly 24 hours after the incident to find a pic of this jiggaboo. If this guy were white the anti-gun legislation would have been already introduced in congress and David Hogg type survivors would have been plastered all over the TV screen .


9 Whites murdered and only 3 Blacks. Maybe the CIA came in and killed the 3 Blacks so it wouldn’t look like a racially motivated shooting.

Gun free zone with a mass shooter training planned for the next day!

Where, have we heard this kind of thing before? All mass shootings!

When will the Left stop trying to disarm innocent people because of what outliers do?

What they’re really afraid of is that they won’t be easily able to round us into camps and make us take the chip when it’s time.

I got hit in the ass, no long term problems other than brain damage. :blush:

Personally I think we need to take a new approach to “Gun Free Zones”.

Just make the owner/operator 100% liable for deaths and injuries that occur in or on the property.

If you’re going to disarm law abiding eligible Americans and herd them into killing zones, you should be completely responsible for their safety.

It’s happened quite a few times actually. They don’t just get mad at the person who fired them, often they are mad at everyone in the workplace and just want to do as much damage as possible.

Madmen rarely see race only targets .

Were any of the victims armed? Just wondering.

If the gunman had been killed by return fire from a potential victim (not a cop) the story would have been buried.


Gun free building by law.

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…as are most government buildings. What may be needed is to require that all gun free buildings have at least one armed guard on duty when the building is open for business.

That guard doesn’t have to be dressed out in a blue uniform and patent leather gun holster, easily identified as the first target of the shooter…but rather an undercover officer that few people in the building even know he (she) is the guard.

I firmly believe in having effective weapons at the ready at all times and places…in the control of trained, competent personnel.

If they were they’d have been carrying unlwafully since the building was designated as a gun free zone.

Little or no doubt about that.

Better than nothing but even in a moderate size building with 50-100 employees, numerous rooms, hallways etc one armed responder is next to useless particularly if they are uniformed since that makes them very easy targets.

You don’t need professional security people either, you just need a handful of people with access to firearms, a plan, and some training on implementing that plan in an emergency.