Mine and your tax dollars certainly do and have. In fact the history of America is that of opening our wealth and resources to the less fortunate around the world. It’s how your and my ancestors found safe haven here. I work in the medical industry and there’s many hard working Haitian nurses, PA’s and physicians working here who went to school, busted ass and are now living the American dream……
This has welcomed immigrants fleeing turmoil for years….
“Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”
My high school nick name was called hatian high, you’re absolutely lying, they are disgusting animals, they take jobs at elderly homes and abuse Americans. You have never spent any real time with these ppl.
They move to areas with high African American unemployment, lower wages take jobs, destroying public education.
Democrats only like them because high rate vote for welfare and hate America
Abraham Lincoln put it well: “As our case is new, so we must think and act anew. We must disenthrall ourselves.” Few issues facing the United States are as important as the question of immigration, and on no other issue are Americans so blinded by past myths.
As children and grandchildren of immigrants, we have made immigration such a part of our mythology and folklore that it is immensely difficult to come to grips with the new realities. But history plays strange tricks on civilizations: Yesterday’s solutions become today’s problems.
Once the United States needed immigrants to people an empty continent. The myth lingers on, but those days are gone,never to return. Frontier America is gone, replaced by an America of 7.6 percent unemployment, with appallingly high unemployment among youth who are minority group members. Increasingly scarce resources, severe economic problems and the U. S. social fabric demand a rational immigration policy.
Immigration is already at the highest level in U. S. history: 808,000 legal immigrants in 1990, including the special status given to Cubans and Haitians. That is twice the number of immigrants accepted by all the rest of the world.
In addition to these legal immigrants, illegal immigration is at a high, non-quantifiable level. We do know that we had more than 1 million apprehensions of illegal immigrants in the last few years - 10 times the level in the early 1960s. It is not usually recognized, but most immigrants came not in 1911 or 1893 but in 1980. Legal and illegal immigration accounts for half the U.S. population growth rate and a rising percentage of crime.
Whatever the pressures now, they will soon grow dramatically worse. The population of Mexico has nearly tripled since 1945 and is expected to double in the next 20 years. Mexico has a 1abor force of 19 million people, half of them unemployed or seriously underemployed. Considering the great discrepancy in per capita income, the northward pull is tremendous.
We have to get our hearts in line with our heads and our myths in line with reality. We know we cannot accept all the people who want to come to to the United States. We know our immigration policy has to be designed in the U.S. interest.
We hate to say no to that worthy individual from the poverty-stricken country who just wants to do a little better. It seems selfish to set limits. The lady in the harbor would not understand. I believe, though, that dramatic reform is necessary and inevitable, and that the sooner we recognize this, the better off we will be.
Every year the United States imports a new poverty class. America owes its first duty to its own disadvantaged, unemployed and poor to maintain the strength of the United States. We can only meet our commitments by placing realistic limits on immigration.
The lady in the harbor symbolizes liberty, not immigration. It is time that we disenthralled ourselves.
It’s not a violation of law to seek asylum, those that aren’t eligible are being flown back. Do you understand that Biden has been criticized for retaining trump era pandemic policies??? How many times must this be stated?
In fact, Biden has gone to court to FIGHT for keeping trump era policies……
Coming from a smelly cunt lesbo that no fucking man would ever want and having to turn to fatass insecure shy women to afraid of your nasty smelly ass to turn you down , are YOU PROUD ?
PS , Keep up those
who is Obama? the moran black asshole that along with Pervert Joe Biden cost the US 1 trillion dollars for Obama/Biden/Harris care and Covid 19 still murderer 720,000 Americans?
qoq so you get your COVID 19 check and spend it what ya get from Pervert Joe Biden .9 trillion dollars Covid 19 promise NOTHING so thats 2 trillion stay with me here another 6 trillion he will not get with the BUILD BACK BETTER disaster and ya voting for him in 2024 Because POTUS Trump will have his third term
The U.S. is in talks to offer immigrant families separated at the border in 2018 about $450,000 a person in compensation, people familiar with the matter say
A family of 7 gets over 4 million lol
Who ever wanted this steal to take place… hehehebbebeheb