Mitt Romney: President Trump Removing Troops From Syria is a 'Blood Stain in the Annals of American History’

It should be in the constitution that anyone who speaks out in favor of a war has to fight in the most dangerous portion of the front lines every day we are at war.

No more of this crap where the rich send the poor to die in endless wars so they can pad their pockets!

Senator Mitt Romney (R-UT) issued an enraged rebuke of President Donald Trump’s “America First” foreign policy on the Senate floor on Thursday.

Romney refused to give President Trump any credit for a brief ceasefire that was finalized yesterday following negotiations between Vice President Mike Pence and Turkish President Recep Erdogan. He denounced President Trump in stronger terms than he ever denounced former President Barack Obama while on the campaign trail in 2012.

“The ceasefire does not change the fact that America has abandoned an ally,” Romney said.

“Adding insult to dishonor, the administration speaks cavalierly, even flippantly, even as our ally has suffered death and casualty. Their homes have been burned, and their families have been torn apart,” he added.

Senator Mitt Romney (R-UT) issued an enraged rebuke of President Donald Trump’s “America First” foreign policy on the Senate floor on Thursday.

Romney refused to give President Trump any credit for a brief ceasefire that was finalized yesterday following negotiations between Vice President Mike Pence and Turkish President Recep Erdogan. He denounced President Trump in stronger terms than he ever denounced former President Barack Obama while on the campaign trail in 2012.

“The ceasefire does not change the fact that America has abandoned an ally,” Romney said.

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“Adding insult to dishonor, the administration speaks cavalierly, even flippantly, even as our ally has suffered death and casualty. Their homes have been burned, and their families have been torn apart,” he added.

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Romney, who was a massive proponent of the disastrous Iraq War, grew even more unhinged in his rhetoric against President Trump from there.

“This is a matter of American honor and promise. So too, is the principle that we stand by our allies, that we do not abandon our friends. The decision to abandon the Kurds violates one of our most sacred duties. It strikes at American honor,” he said.

Romney believes that the U.S. should keep being the world police in order to keep the evil Rooskies at bay.

“Iranian and Russian interests in the Middle East have been advanced by our decision. At a time when we are applying maximum pressure on Iran, by giving them a stronger hand in Syria, we’ve actually weakened that pressure. Russia’s objective to play a greater role in the Middle East has also been greatly enhanced. The Kurds, out of desperation, have now aligned with Assad. So America is diminished, Russia, Iran, and Assad are strengthened,” Romney said.

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Romney along with many others need to be shot out of canon into outer space. This guy is a total d-bag and can not ever understand how the people of Utah could have voted for the POS!

Romney was elected because he is a tribal member in Utah.

I will make a WAG that these proponents of endless wars are UN globalists and may be investors in the military industrial complex.


If Mitt Romney is so worried then he should feel free to pick up a gun and fly there himself. He has the money and political power to do what he wants - so he just should.

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No doubt! A corporate vulture is what Rick Perry labeled him as, and that is pretty much what he is, he wears two faces!

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Mitt is an expert on stains. Being a walking and talking human cum stain and all. He should go back to playing with his dancing horses - ■■■■


He’s more like a hemorrhoid on the anals.