More copy/paste Russian kompromat from the Trump bot. How’s the weather in Moscow?
Typical ignorant crap from a leftwing idiot. When confronted with facts, close your ears and cry “Russia.” Thats the sign of a true pure idiot.
You are a credit to the lowlife pigs on your side of the aisle.
Confronted with facts? Look at you deflecting from the fact that Mitch is obviously fucked up and won’t answer for it. Meanwhile, the Russian shitheads that run the GOP demand to see medical reports from literally every Democrat.
Democrats are the party of infanticide, socialism, government control, smashing Free Speech rights, giving free stuff to illegal aliens, and now they are the party of mobs in the streets burning and destroying cities. See the burning cities and torn down statues, and you see the democrat party world. Mobs.
Republicans are the party of Traditional Values, Liberty and freedom. Donald Trump gave us the lowest unemployment rates since John F Kennedy until the virus hit, and now Democrats are trying to keep the virus going because they are so evil they are happy to destroy the economy simply to defeat Trump. That’s right. Masks and continued shutdowns are a joke, based totally on fear. There is a 0.04 death rate for Corona. People have more chance of dying from the Flu.
A totalitarian socialist state of mobs is what the Democrats offer, and liberty and freedom and jobs-not-mobs is what Trump offers.
So are you.
More deflecting. Not programmed to answer a direct question I see.
More stupidity from you. You’re just a half-witted imbecile.
I see. Still can’t reconcile the fact that Moscow Mitch looks like he got beat with a crowbar and won’t release his health records but the Russian GOP demands that Democrats do just that for literally every candidate.
Stay on topic and dispute that, bot.
No you don’t. You don’t see a damm thing. You’re a friggin’ stupid moron.
Again: Democrats are the party of infanticide, socialism, government control, smashing Free Speech rights, giving free stuff to illegal aliens, and now they are the party of mobs in the streets burning and destroying cities. See the burning cities and torn down statues, and you see the democrat party world. Mobs.
Republicans are the party of Traditional Values, Liberty and freedom. Donald Trump gave us the lowest unemployment rates since John F Kennedy until the virus hit, and now Democrats are trying to keep the virus going because they are so evil they are happy to destroy the economy simply to defeat Trump. That’s right. Masks and continued shutdowns are a joke, based totally on fear. There is a 0.04 death rate for Corona. People have more chance of dying from the Flu.
A totalitarian socialist state of mobs is what the Democrats offer, and liberty and freedom and jobs-not-mobs is what Trump offers.
lol - look at the bot malfunctioning
When is Moscow Mitch going to publicly disclose his health condition? If not, then no Democrat should ever be required to do the same.
Do you even know what a “bot” is you stretched out anus?
I am tired of your stupid ass. Give your computer back to mommy and get back in your sandbox bitch.
When is Moscow Mitch releasing his health records?
When is punkass bitch Schumer going to stop crying and lying?
Probably after Moscow Mitch releases his health records
If you’re not in his district then his records are none of your fucking business, you stupid anus.
Are you concerned about Joe’s memory issues or is that different?
Considering that Biden has wiped the floor with that orange slob…twice…nope. Not at all.
He’s not concerned about anything but being a liar and an idiot.
Every time I see this topic come up, it reminds me of a JFK quote about the State Dept that I can’t completely remember or seem to find, but it went something to the effect that “I woke up from a dream last night that Foggy Bottom had burned to the ground. I went back to sleep hoping to see a headline, ‘There were no survivors.’”
I have a similar hope about McConnell.
This is a man who has tried various times to deny health coverage for millions of people and now looks as if he may be dying, but wanting to have as his place in history that he destroyed Obamacare and deprived millions of healthcare for the good of the Republican Party–Democrats are not supposed to ask questions about his health?
That is an ignorant lie. Why is it that all you socialists can do is lie.