Milley you treasonous pig

They are ignoring The Constitution now because according to the Woke Crowd The Constitution is racist and was written by White Supremacists :roll_eyes:

Mark Milley himself if we remember has declared himself a member of the Woke Crowd.

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BTW The String Pullers that have succeeded in brainwashing the Woke Crowd have been pushing for YEARS that “The Constitution is racist and was written by White Supremacists” it’s just taken them about five years to COMPLETE the brainwashing of enough low IQ numbskulls is all.

Some articles:

The Atlantic from 2015:

Why the Constitution Was Indeed Pro-Slavery - The Atlantic

Some have been pushing this shit for nearly 30 YEARS, below is from 1992:


^^^^ Shit-Fer-Brains ADMITS he’s NO scholar, so let’s just STOP reading his low IQ gibbering BULLSHIT right THERE shall we?

More recently from 2020:

And from 2021, Teen Vogue is a TRUE ORGAN of the Communist Subversives who HATE America and also HATE Western Civilization. Teen Vogue needs to be trashed and burned, this vile piece of GARBAGE has ALSO been at the forefront of pushing the vile perversions of anal sex and Transgendering to teenagers, here they are literally brainwashing teenagers to go along with The Constitution is racist and needs to be DESTROYED:

Those aren’t theories though, they all happened in practice…

And you are beyond indoctrinated.

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Biden isn’t in charge, his advisors are in charge and yes, he gets the criticism becus he is pretending to be in charge.

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You may blame the guy who’s only pretending to be in charge, that’s your prerogative, but it makes no sense not blaming who’s “actually” in charge….:thinking:

Monte, I’m impressed, a RARE moment of agreement. Schmoebama is the PUPPET MASTER through the Clintons.

We don’t actually know who’s in charge though.

So Obama is the first president to have 3 terms….:thinking:

Disagree, Obama and The Clinton’s were also just Puppets carrying out orders given to them.

Exactly, you don’t know………:wink:

I ALREADY pointed that out already the other day, yeah I know reading comprehension isn’t a Leftist strongpoint, here’s my comments in this thread from the other day:

Got it, you don’t know who’s in control….


The Clintons are on Soros party invitation list and get plant their lip prints on the asses of other GLOBALISTS and probably were made a" deal they couldn’t refuse". Wouldn’t surprise anyone if they’re the Globalists enforcers using Schmoebama as their house n@#$er

Why not just write it out, no moderator is going to scold you….