Milana Vayntrub - Lily from AT&T on Milkers

Makes a video about stop saying “milkies” and “milktruck”

The whole fucking live feed is nothing but comments about those big milkers she’s got.

Holy fuck my sides bros :rofl:

You could tell by the look on her face that her plan to stay relevant was working.

“female privelige is killing your infant and getting away with it because its ‘sudden infant death syndrome’”

She was definitely playing up the camera with her fake dislike over men commenting about her milkers.

If she has such a problem flaunting her milkers then she should immediately donate every V cut shirt she owns…which is apparently all of them.

ngl this semen demon has a great set

I’m very disappointed by how many pictures of her with her milkers flopping out are posted in this thread. She was obviously very serious about not wanting all this attention.

She’s a degenerate, baby killing, talentless, slut. Those funbags will be knee knockers before she knows it. Then she’s finished. Clock is ticking princess.

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Best thread ever! Bravo, dman!

Do we have any updates from Ms. Milkers?

All I know is I need to see more.