Middleclass taking a backseat to ILLEGALS

The Middle Class Built America. They Now Take a Backseat to Illegal Immigrants…

Over the past few years, many middle-class Americans have come to feel as if the rights of law-abiding citizens have taken a back seat to the rights and comfort of illegal aliens.
These Americans go to work, raise their families, follow the law, and pay their taxes, only to see those who do not work, pay taxes, or follow the law prioritized by our state and federal governments for many valuable benefits and services. And more illegals cross our southern border every day. What is the TRUE number today ? 50 million , 80 million ? we stopped counting !!!

First, whether you live in a “sanctuary city” or not, your tax dollars are going to fund the education of illegal immigrants. In 1982 the U.S. Supreme Court decided in Plyler v. Doe that illegal immigrants couldn’t be excluded from public schools. The U.S. Department of Education has taken this to unprecedented heights under the Biden Administration by creating The Office of Migrant Education. Many states have opened similar offices. The sole purpose of these offices is to expend an increasing amount of American taxpayer money to ensure that illegal immigrants are properly educated.
We are starting to see examples of our schools being overrun [being overrun.This past January, James Madison High School in Brooklyn even shut down for a day and did not permit its students to attend so that it could be used as a staging ground for the welcoming of illegal immigrants. Where does it end?
A “produce prescription” is a taxpayer funded monthly dollar amount given to an illegal immigrant to purchase top of the line fruits and vegetables. With food costs, particularly fresh food costs, this benefit would be welcome to many American citizens who are trying to make ends meet. Too bad.
The Newcomer Rental Subsidy Program provides refugees and other newcomer population-eligible households with rental assistance up to $500 per month for up to 12 months, with eligibility based on immigration status and household income. This program specifically excludes American citizens. Not only is it likely illegal, but it is disheartening for struggling citizens. Detroit has a poverty rate of 33.8%. Flint’s poverty rate is 39.6%. A government that prioritizes housing illegal immigrants over providing additional assistance to its own hardworking citizens has lost its way.
New York City recently announced a “program” to give free debit cards worth $350 per week to illegal immigrant families. Of course, there are plenty of families of legal residents throughout New York City that could use an extra $1,400 per month tax free to purchase groceries. They are not eligible. The only qualification for this program is that you must be an illegal immigrant. Law-abiding New York City residents need not apply. This is a slap in the face to the many New Yorkers who are struggling.

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Meanwhile . El Savador Illegal Immigrant Charged With Rape, Murdering a Mother of Five…
An illegal immigrant from El Salvador was arrested and charged for raping and murdering a Maryland mother of five.

Victor Antonio Martinez-Hernandez was taken into custody on Friday after law enforcement agents found him in Tulsa, Oklahoma. The illegal alien was charged for allegedly killing Rachel Morin, who was found dead near a hiking trail in August of 2023. Hartford County Sheriff Jeffery Gahler confirmed the arrest and said that Martinez-Hernandez has been charged with first-degree murder and first-degree rape.

An illegal alien killed Kate Steinle during the Obama presidency. Then, Laken Riley fell victim to the same criminal scum who illegally entered the United States. There are dozens more victims of illegal aliens who have come here to rape, murder, steal, and run amok in our streets.