Michigan nothing good happens there

More babies? Don’t we have one here already? :rofl:
(Ok that was a bad joke.)


Bet she ran on a unicorn and rainbow platform. The lefties loved it. I have to wonder how much they love what that platform actually means when it comes down to reality.

The rose colored glasses have (hopefully) been shed by many and I hope this globalist, pandering party is decimated after being exposed for the nitwits that they are.

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That would be wonderful. It would also be amazing if after this, families said screw it. We like the stay at home Mom, teaching values and keeping kids out of the liberal indoctrination camps.

Remember prior this virus how parents were enraged at the liberal agenda being instilled in schools and it was like they didn’t have a choice?

Now they know they do, AND they can do it.

Maybe there will be a “Great Awakening” and a push back like nothing ever seen before.

I certainly hope so. :pray:

We are one giant family. Even you and others here are like my extended family with shared values. We can’t simply forget that, and as a nation we need to get back to our values. Family is everything to me. Whitmer and others of her ilk want to destroy such values and redefine them in their own warped image and we as a people can’t allow that to happen!

You know that Crosby Stills and Nash song? “Teach your Children”? Sounds about right here and now.

It’s no wonder why she has earned her nickname “Governor Bitchmer”.

I think there are many who share these common values. Perhaps they’ve been lost due to being caught up in “the norm” of the times.

I hope this has been a great time to sit back, reflect and think about what really matters: That being our children, what we want for our children’s futures and for the future of this country for the generations to come.

I know it and know it well. Good reference :+1:

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Many Americans and even folks in other countries feel the same way.

Globalism and immigration has destroyed their way of life and their cultures.

It has been heartbreaking to watch.

I really hope countries stand up and reject the UN and render them useless.

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It’s the democrat way , do ALL the thinking and never allow input from those that elect you , and if you won’t vote for them they will import folks that WILL !!! Their motto, vote early and often .


How about burdening our TAXPAYERS with 40,000,000 illegals and hundreds of sanctuary Cities ?

Not with our leftist indoctrination schools and universities .


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The reason - Jeff Bezos ,BillGates ,mini Mike Bloomberg ,Bill Ackman ,George Soros , Tom Steyer ,and Mark Zuckerberg Billionaires Who Control Everything on the Planet !

Some would argue that the United States - no matter what crisis they may contest with - will always be the RICHEST nation in the free world. There is no other country or nation that would do what we do. There would be no other country that would even try to define what we do. Because, their laws of the land aren’t (and never will be) as greater and better than our’s!

God Bless America!

It’s not up to schools, it’s up to parents!

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Children spend the vast majority of their time in a classroom setting and so little time with their parents .

I am sure one of the many reasons is due to the fact, both parents have to work. One parent is not enough to even put a full dinner on the table.
Another reason is, also the cost of living has gone way up. So much so, both parents didn’t have to work full time back in the 1970’s or 1980’s. Now we live in a different time. Which at times, brings desperate measures.


I think you are missing the larger point I am making. Parents got lazy by not taking an active role in their children’s education and or pay enough attention to what it is they are learning. Of course that is largely due to both parents having to work for a living.

Also another reason is, the Democrats are willing to send these kids to college - FREE college tuition, remember?

So why teach your kids when you can have the government send them to college for free? :rofl:

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That would make a lot more sense to me if it read "Parents got lazy by not taking an active role in their children’s education and/or not paying enough attention to what it is they are learning. …

…or did I miss something?

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