Michigan nothing good happens there

“Never make a good crisis go to waste.”

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Say what you will about Candice Owens, but this issue is more to do about the double standards of elected officials and the preferential treatment they get from social media, who BTW are also hypocrites!


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On Friday night, the mayor of Los Angeles admitted to one of his comrades on CNN that they’re tracking cellphone data to keep tabs on the movements of citizens. Democrat has also threatened to cut off electricity and water to any businesses that won’t obey.

law enforcement are using their drones to enforce “social distancing” on public beaches. An automobile with NY license plates is now considered “probable cause” for a police stop .

dem governors have taken to threatening physicians and pharmacists who dispense legal anti-malarial drugs to coronavirus victims.

“The First Amendment guarantees freedoms concerning religion, expression, assembly, and the right to petition. It forbids Congress from both promoting one religion over others and also restricting an individual’s religious practices. It guarantees freedom of expression by prohibiting Congress from restricting the press or the rights of individuals to speak freely. It also guarantees the right of citizens to assemble peaceably and to petition their government. “

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It’s time for the Federal government to step in and start arresting these fkers! Sometimes you just have to do what is expedient to remove those who are blatantly violating due process. This is a coordinated power grab and Trump needs to mobilise his forces simultaneously arresting all governors who are subverting our constitution and the rights that go with it.


I would agree with you! The thing is, it will never stop, unless these Americans that actually care - start taking back their country, for what it was meant to be. Not what these dumbasses want this country to be.
That is to start voting these corrupted and power-grabbing politicians right out of offices they so-call represent.

I plan to vote Gretchen Whitmer out…she doesn’t deserve another term. She has done nothing (just like the other previous Governors) for the state of Michigan.
This state was a great and beautiful state. Including cities like Detroit and Lansing. As well, as other towns and cities in the state.

I used to love visiting Grand Rapids. Now it looks like a Third World country. Yes, they remodeled the city. But only because, they had some leftover federal money from the GW Bush Administration.
Traverse City - up along Lake Michigan is a ghost town. It used to be burst with tourism and people from all over the world. But since their mayor decided, he doesn’t want to revamp any new projects to boom tourism there…it has slowly been dying a slow death.

Then there are Flint, Saginaw and nearby towns. They are barely surviving. Buildings there are falling apart.

Enough is enough! Gretchen needs to go! And I will continue to do what I can (legally, of course) to make sure she is out. And anyone else who wants to run this state into the ground further.

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Normally I would agree with you by using conventional methods, but for the very same reasons that you just illuminated upon the country is in an extremely fragile state and on the verge of collapse. Desperate times calls for desperate measures.

You should read this, this shit by these democrats is getting real and if they continue doubling down by violating citizens rights and the constitution things could go south in a big hurry in a short period of time! No joke!

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Liberals have spent years decimating norms of discourse. Pushing through a generational reform bill without half the country participating degrades the norms of democracy. When they lost Congress over this abuse, not only did they accuse Republicans of standing against the American people (even though the GOP kept expanding its majority) but said their position comprised nothing more than racism. Conservatives were no longer political opposition, they’re people who hate decency, democracy, the poor, the black, the infirm, America, and the system. As this thinking coagulated on the mainstream Left, Democrats had the moral justification to do what they liked.

Never let a good discourse go to waste :roll_eyes:


@Dr_Manhattan I currently work for a plant that is owned and operated by General Motors. Yesterday was my first time back in over a month - due to the lockdown. I have been working there for over 5 years now. Not everyone is back working there yet. But my hours have been cut. I used to be full-time with full benefits. I still have the benefits. But not the hours that I used to work. My hour pay is nothing compared to the others. But at least, I get by (like buying stocks and helping out volunteering on weekends for a few hours at a food bank.).
But there are days that I just want to go straight up to the State House in Lansing and, well…you get the point, hopefully.
It makes me mad that we have a Governor that is bent on keeping the lockdown as long as she wants. I can understand the reasons behind it. I get that. But the longer she keeps this lockdown, she is willing to take this state further down the downward spiral. Not that this state, and many others are suffering. But Detroit used to be the Automobile capital of the world. Now it’s a dump. It’s barely surviving.
I didn’t vote for her. But I am more than happy to vote her right out! And anyone else that wants to take this state further down.
It makes me sick that these folks would actually vote for her. Or even Rick Synder. It’s almost as if these folks continue to “help” vote these thugs in, it is hopeless to even bother to “try to make this state great again!”


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It is time for the sheep to wake up.

Or not.

What can Trump do to combat a lifetime of indoctrination and those who support subversion of our constitution and rights?

That is up to you and me. Trump will be gone in 5 years. :woman_shrugging:

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Good for you, Ichigo.

Neither government nor business is a friend to you.

If people would just understand they are on their own in life and plan accordingly they’d be much better off in the long run.

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Well, more to your point it’s either now or never. What we are currently seeing across the country especially in “blue zones” as they are now being referred to, led by authoritarian dictocrats, should have every citizen concerned. As I said before, the country currently is in a very fragile state, and if governors continue with their current dictatorships of pinning the populace down and preventing their civil liberties it’s going to end very badly for everyone. It’s going to be one very hot summer if this crap continues.

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#WETHEPEOPLE TIC TOC :timer_clock: :timer_clock: :timer_clock

That would be referred to as personal responsibility.

The left and deep state hate personal responsibility as it limits their power to control.

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Happens when there is limited demand. Our auto dealerships ar still i shutdown more and likely will not re-open until the 1st of June yet everyone thinks that things will return to normal. That may happen in a year or 2 when government control ends.

The choice was made and now you live with that choice as we do.

To be honest, I am not complaining. I am just fortunate to even have a job. So, I am grateful. :slight_smile:

EXACTLY , works every time !

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It’s not about complaining but about expectations.

Did any say, when we go back to work, many may have an extended wait of short hours?

Every governor was quick to shut down their businesses and said squat.

As of today, she lifted some of the restrictions to her “beloved” lockdown fiasco, by letting plants around the state to reopen. Of course, with limited number of employees in the plants and mandatory mask wearing.
I have no problem with wearing masks. But I don’t have the full 40 hours I was working before the shutdown. I am barely working 20 hours a week.
I can see this trend to be now the “new norm”. Just like everything else. That not everyone - no matter how long they have been working anywhere - aren’t going to be able to work the full 40 hours.

Some of my friends are even saying, “If the money we are getting for not working - why even bother going back to work?” :roll_eyes:

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I ran an ad for help wanted.

120 applicants.

You know how many actually showed up?

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