Michigan Democrat Governor Threatens Licenses of Doctors and Pharmacists Who Prescribe Hydroxychloroquine to Treat Coronavirus

The Governor has become a medical expert.Let the State Dept.of Health determine this with real medical professionals.
I guess her decision was made without any " personal bias" towards President Trump.

I never understood how the people of Michigan keep voting for garbage people like her. Clearly she is drunk on power.

WTF is wrong with Politicians from Michigan?


Preventative measures to the most vulnerable by doctors diagnosis according to patient’s conditions.


Why, because it’s too efficacious? :rofl:

Trump calls out Michigan Governor

Darn it! Beat me to it! Lol (I was going to post the news bit from Fox News.)

I’m glad Trump called her out on it! He should say something about the Mayor of New Orleans, too! Lol (If he hasn’t done so already.)


Why is everyone getting so crazy about this drug? Is it because of bunch of morons decided to drink fish cleaner and kill themselves instead of actually getting a prescription from a doctor?

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This pretty much tells it all! Incompetence!

@Dr_Manhattan, I am sure that Rick Snyder would have done the same if not worse, if he was still Governor. He would “bitch” like a woman to Trump, in hope Trump would give in.

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Maybe, but that was hyped up media trying to blame Trump when initially advocating the need to see if the drug works. After that some dumbass ingests fish cleaner and dies and so media tried to pin on it him. This is more political than about someone dying, they simply can’t have Trump be right about something when his approval ratings is over 60%. It’s also why MSM was complaining about his daily briefings being on air. You can’t make this stuff up, Democrats are pure evil.

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This is revealing in many ways and thought this might shed light on your question as in the plot thickens! Just goes to show how dumb certain people are.


There is no ‘treatment’ for coronavirus - just like there isn’t for the common cold, or any other strain of flu: you just cope with the symptoms until they go away, which of course they will. The only treatment which would be needed is if it moves to the bronchial system, with the concomitant probability of pneumonia.

Now Nevada Gov does a 180! Imagine that!

I Guess the Democratic asshats realised that supporting this new drug was politically more expedient to their optics?

Those who drink aquarium cleaner improve the gene pool.



Now the police are looking at homicide charges against the wife.

What do you wanna bet that NONE of the Trump-haters on MSM will retract their comments?

Yep! Posted this story in the political thread!

Outstanding find, thanks. I will use it to humiliate an entire of Trump Hating morons if you don’t mind.

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