So the attempted coup comes when one of their own, no matter how incompetent, gets sacked.
They’re hiding something else.
Bush should have fired Mueller after 9-11.
So the attempted coup comes when one of their own, no matter how incompetent, gets sacked.
They’re hiding something else.
Bush should have fired Mueller after 9-11.
Yeah, the illegal actions of what they did prior to election…which continue after.
For some reason not having pre approved establishment candidate threaten them.
The question is why…why has it scared them to point to resort to such illegal activity?
Maybe it wasn’t first time. Or they have long history of doing the dirty work for special interest groups.
Yeah, it sucks that even Korea whose democracy is 150 years younger than ours has the balls to do what we can’t.
And yet Trump is too weak to clean house. I have no sympathy for him.
I am beginning to wonder what his game plan is now. We will see with the new AG William Barr, but so far after this Security Bill fiasco I am losing faith that real fundamental change can happen where it needs to happen. People need to go to prison as there can not be two standards in the law for those who violate the law apply. Not a law for me and a different law for the!
He isn’t too weak. He’s owned. Just another puppet put into office to give us peons the illusion that our voices still matter.
Throw in the allegations are good for his book sales.