Do you think that the AP could get their nose any further up Auntie Maxine’s ass?
She’s an inspiration for all the batshit crazy libs in Congress.
Do you think that the AP could get their nose any further up Auntie Maxine’s ass?
She’s an inspiration for all the batshit crazy libs in Congress.
“highest-ranking African American woman in the country.”
“She cares more about the policy and getting from A to B.”
LOL, a bit mistaken as it should have read:
“She cares more about herself than getting from A to B.”
she is a moron, along with Al Sharpton and others.
they call a brilliant world class neurosurgeon Ben Carson dumb and a fool, and the left believes Maxine is an inspiration ?
Leftist logic never ceases to amaze me.
Wow , she needs to look around before calling anyone thugs . She represents thugs and knuckle draggers .
The AP used to stand for actual journalism. This is like something ‘straight outta’ the ever fawningly liberal LA Times. ‘Mad Max’ has always been her nickname; I never heard of 'kerosene Maxine - and I lived in CA for thirty five years. Kellman must be bucking for a job at MSNBC.
And CNN use to be the go to for news, today neither provide trustworthy news.
It’s the media’s attemp at “shaping” the news.
Ever hear of a “white Hispanic” before George Zimmernan?
Wow, talk about bias. Is the writer of the article looking for a staff position with Maxine?
Here is a stunning endorsement
″@RepMaxineWaters always tells it like it is like our favorite auntie,” tweeted Michigan Rep. Rashida Tlaib, one of the first Muslim women in Congress.
Yeah, the Maxine that wants you to “get in the faces” of Americans who disagree and speak out against the democrat agenda.
I thought it was great when she got a taste of her own medicine. She’s kept a lower profile since then. Sucks to be on the receiving end, doesn’t it Mad Max?
I was part of DARPA advanced technology projects in the 90s. In the new command center developments, CNN was always on. It was considered more agile and ubiquitous than any other intelligence source. It was not as in-depth but was there on the ground when new political and social turmoil broke. Now it is just a whine tasting festival for malcontents.
Things that have changed.
MTV used to play music videos
The History Channel is All Hitler, All the time
CNN used ti be a news organization