Massive Militia 2nd Amendment Rally To Take Place At Virginia Capitol On January 20th 2020

That’s a fair assessment. However, it seems the entire 2A sanctuary movement is an axle wrap over something that hasn’t happened yet. And here’s the kicker - if the big grab turns out to be hysteria (as it has so many times before) I suspect that the LEOs in these “sanctuaries” will continue to enforce the current laws infringing on 2A rights because either

they don’t understand what a true 2A sanctuary would mean
It’s all just for media show

We are not a democracy, we are a Constitutional Republic.

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If and when the law passes it will be taken up by the Supreme Court.

NYC knew they overstepped so withdrew their case and amended the laws.

Playing footsie with the 2nd needs to stop.

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We’re a constitutional republic, not a democracy and in the end it’s the side with the heart and the guns who wins.

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She has nothing else to offer other than anti gun talking points.

Which is a representative form of democracy, or in the vernacular, a democracy. Much like we refer to ourselves as “Americans” tho all residents of North and South America are by geographic identity Americans.

Truly, do you not have anything to offer the conversation except trying to play definitional gotcha?

Footsie? See, you don’t seem to get it either. The NFA/GCA foot is so deep in your ass you don’t even recognize it’s there any longer. At this point it’s the air you breathe and the water you drink, which, yet again, is my point. Unless these so-called sanctuaries come out and publicly say that they will not enforce ANY infringement of 2A rights then they are just political theatre. Or do you think only liberal dunderheads are vulnerable to such antics?

The left used incrementalism to infringe on our gun rights for a hundred years.

We recognize that the way to win them back is one piece of legislation and one court decision at a time.

By the Time Trump leaves office he will have pointed more federal magistrates, district judges, appeals court justices, and SCOTUS justices than any president in history.

Most of the leftwing agenda was forced on us through the courts and that is where it will be undone.

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What a few rednecks are doing is irrelevant.


A common definition of “republic” is, to quote the American Heritage Dictionary, “A political order in which the supreme power lies in a body of citizens who are entitled to vote for officers and representatives responsible to them” — we are that. A common definition of “democracy” is, “Government by the people, exercised either directly or through elected representatives” — we are that, too.

We are a Constitutional Republic with democratically elected representatives.

We are unique in the world with the exception of countries that used our constitution as a model for their own.

Cash Purchases of Guns Surge in Virginia Ahead of Bans

After years of Democrats telling us they’re merely for so-called “common sense” gun control, Virginia Democrats are going all out on gun confiscation now that they control their state’s legislature. One proposed bill, SB 16, states that “It is unlawful for any person to import, sell, manufacture, purchase, possess or transport an assault firearm” and makes such actions a Class 6 felony (punishable with jail time between one and five years). SB 16’s definition of “assault firearm” includes 100% of assault rifles, and most types of handguns and shotguns.

The most obvious fight Virginia’s gun grabbers will have is with logistics. There’s no registry of firearms in Virginia, making it practically impossible to force anyone to turn their guns in. They have to assume most gun owners will simply be afraid of being caught with their then-illegal firearms and turn them in. One VA lawmaker did float the Orwellian idea of using credit card data to try to identify gun owners, though.

With Virginia Democrats taking over all branches of state government, a firearms store owner in the state says sales of guns, magazines, and ammunition are up 200%, and more of his customers are paying in cash.

“This is the largest Christmas and November, December that we’ve had, basically, since Trump has come on board.

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These guys should stock up on ar15 lowers. All the other stuff you can buy later.

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That is an interesting point! It seems the Marxists are right on this in what they want next to ban.

The premise of your argument is we are a democracy and the majority rules. That fails on its premise because we are a constitutional republic and the majority does not rule.

Hence, we have the Supreme Court and separation of powers.

Excellent. So you now see where I was coming from with my very first post you argued so hard against.

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You are correct. Let me substitute that pedantic precise definition for my vernacular.

There, now you can unscrew yourself from that spot and rejoin the debate. I realize that you have a tendency to get distracted by details and definitions (like Bill Clinton arguing over what the definition of “is” is, who says conservatives and liberals don’t have common ground, eh?) so please understand that you don’t need to go into how judges are appointed, the roles of the executive vs the legislators, etc. I’m just glad you are starting to realize that it will require convincing actual real people that your position is correct in order to swing the system instead of insisting that jumping up and down like Yosemite Sam and yelling that something is unconstitutional will somehow make it so.

Essentially. Is that the way we want anyone under investigation by Congress to go forward? Will Trump supporters be ok if an elected or appointed official from another party did the same thing? That pretty much neuters the legislative check on the executive and judicial branches which you would think would send Constitutionalists spinning off into the stratosphere, but when such actions seem to (in the short-term) align with individuals’ base personal desires they somehow manage to tamp that outrage down.

Exactly. “Democracy” is one-word shorthand for the US system.

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Which both parties are unfortunately engaging in and it’s damaging our establishment. It seems to me a swift reversal is necessary if we’re to avoid catastrophic results.

Precisely, but it takes a certain kind of maturity to put the integrity of the system over short-term results. Our country seems to be lacking this maturity on both sides of the aisle.

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