Massive cheating being reported in New Jersey… ya don’t say?

Don’t you think that judges have families too, and that they were legitimately scared for their lives had they ruled in Trump’s favor, especially given the violent events taking place in Portland, Minneapolis and Wisconsin?

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Is that Sir Monte the only man in the chair???

Not sure what you mean?

I am not sure where you are from, but I suspect PA or something if my memory serves me right. Anyway, the reason I ask, is I think your perspectives on Voting and the political machine can be valuable if you were willing to share them on a deeper more introspective level. The country is changing no doubt, and as more and more people are waking up to the fact that elections and people’s votes are being stolen the more things are becoming polarized in the ordinary lives of Americans. Is election integrity a issue with PA voters right now? Do you have any insights into New Jersey and it’s political machine seeing that its a neighboring state and probably a lot of transplants live in PA as well?

Fk Murphy!

Durr was declared the winner yesterday! I am loving every minute of this!

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Wow what a clown … …

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This guy needs a serious repudiation of the worst kind! Total Scumbag!

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Yes, I live in Pa. I lve near Reading Pa, about 65 miles from Phila. We had more than our share of election issues in the 2020 Presidential Election, with our Sec. of State involvement in the election.Pa was one of the states election issues Trumps lawyers argued before the courts.
I watched some of the election and was " amazed " when Trump’s 500k lead in Pa suddenly vanished and lost the state.
In the NE part of of Pa, New Yorkers and New Jerseyites have invaded , buying homes thst cost way less and commute to their jobs .

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