MASSIVE Breakthrough In 9/11 Investigation! - Must WATCH

Those are two very separate groups.

Didn’t you know? The ■■■■ are responsible for every bad thing that has happened on Earth over the last several thousand years. Just ask Magog.


Steel does not have to melt to fail. Steel begins to soften at about 800F and loses about half its strength at 1200F. At 1500F, horizontal members would begin to droop like cooked spaghetti. It was the collapse of the floors that brought the buildings down.


Oh no, you didn’t “bless your heart” them! :scream:

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Good Materials Science stuff Ish! I like it.

Yeah, steel softens at much lower temps. Temper can be cooked out of hardened (Martensite) steel with long bakes at a few hundred degrees. In the heat treat biz this is called “drawing it out or back.”

Also, with the right conditions, as in jet engines, JPx fuel can generate back-end thrust temps over 2500 degrees. Pretty good for wimpy ass Diesel that ignites just over 200Deg, according to the formulation.

I had always heard of this silliness, but dismissed it out of hand, because we know that they attacked NY, the Pentagon, and an unknown other DC area target. We know where the attackers came from. We know from visual evidence that the Tower attackers were vectoring thier planes hard to get a full strike on the buildings. We know from visual evidence that that the buildings buckled where the planes hit.

The article from the OP looks nuttier than a Payday candybar.


Thank you, Ishmael.

The above is what interests me. I understand this happens but not the science behind it, can you further explain to a “non-engineer”?

I honestly don’t understand the foundation for antisemitism. I can understand Palestinians who hate ■■■■■ but the reasons in other countries? I have no idea what the reasoning is.

Then again, there is always going to be a group that is hated. It’s just the way the human race works.

Still doesn’t explain why the buildings collapsed.
There was something like 300k tons of steel used in the construction of WTC are you really suggesting that the WHOLE complex burnt so hot that ALL the steel melted.
Can you also explain what actually happened to the steel coz there was hardly any found at ground zero.

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That’s the great thing about being a successful engineer with 40 years of multidisciplinary experience… I dont have to blindly rely on what some source says. I can do my own work to come to my own conclusion on the validity of any statement.

It’s a blessing and a curse really. You know the saying “ask an engineer what time it is and they will tell you how to build a clock” ?
That’s because we know how stuff works, why it works, why it might not be working, and how to fix it.


There are several answers … some bases on spiritual precepts, some based on material and social precepts.

As far as the material and social basis…part of it is based on how successful ■■■■ are in society. It is simple resentment of that success. This article is kinda telling.■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■

What complicates the answer is that progressive liberalism has created alot of self loathing ■■■■■ So you have those wackos often advocating the same anti-Israel nonsense that right winger wackos do.

For me, obtaining a deeper understanding of the phenomenon of ■■■ hating is like scatology… a field of study that I reserve till later in life, when daily pooping becomes my measure of personnel success.

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Ok so perhaps you have an answer to my previous q’s that a layman might understand

Nah It’s a lot easier than that - just look at what they are doing in Palestine or what they did on 911 or what they did to Jesus or maybe just look in the mirror

Thanks Samm…I was hoping you would respond. Once the steel is heated to certain temperature it begins to weaken…and then the weight of building, and gravity starts to take over.

Steel didn’t have to melt. It just had to weaken to point that it couldn’t sustain the weight of building.

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What all 300k tons at the same time???
And what fueled the fires coz it couldn’t have been aviation fuel - that would’ve flamed out in a couple mins

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No offense but it’s tough trying explain this to certain people, they have no concept of construction, expansion, weight, motion etc.

As steel heat it expand, pushing out the vertical columns and weaken the joints/connections. Once it gave out the impact from weight of floors above did the rest. Weight plus motion.

Edit to add, here is good video of expansion and how it effected building structure points.

Don’t believe in government…believe in engineers.

What fueled the fires then

I see I’m wasting my time…my mistake.

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