This is really a sad situation. There’s a guy with obvious mental issues and a cop that has to live with shooting him.
Yeah, when you charge a cop with a knife, it’s not called murder when the cop shoots you. It’s called self defense. So in your head, the cop should have stood there and taken the stabbing? I guess you can’t fix stupid.
A tough call, but no other option. I don’t want to hear any liberal input stating the officer could have winged him. In a situation like that, you shoot at the largest area; the widest part of the target.
Simple case of suicide by cop. Sad. I’ve seen a lot of videos like that. He wasn’t sure the first time he charged but the second time he charged he was ready to die.
Law enforcement is waiting for technology to catch up in order to deal with these types of situations.
Some religions tell you if you kill yourself you don’t go to heaven.
Suicide by cop is a staged calculated loophole.
I can not comment on that, but I do know what you are talking about and the logic being applied here. Its faulty on the part of the person wanting to be suicidal. My earlier point is that there are more effective ways to deal with this kind of situation without putting the cops life in danger as well as needing to shoot to kill the threat.