"Love it or Leave It!" Okay 🤷‍♂️ How to survive in the Canadian wild?

We all know the adage, “America: Love It or Leave It!” Well you don’t want me here and I don’t want to be here. So how do I get across the Canadian border with the border closures? And if I somehow manage to do that, how do I survive once I get there? Do I fly to one of the northernmost states and, carrying a survival pack on my back, walk across the border and hope I don’t get picked up by Mounties? Do I live as a homeless transient in someplace like Toronto or Vancouver, or should I take my chances with the bear and moose? Spitball, fellas. Discuss.

Just claim that you are a jihadi and Justin Trudeau will welcome you with open arms, give you a place to live, substantial welfare payments, and even a prime Canadian snow bunny to keep you warm on cold wonder nights.

Ya know…you could just get a job up there

and get a work visa?

Dexter did it.

Wait, are you suggesting that Canada enforces their borders? That’s racist!!! :rofl:

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Just go to the border with a bag of ice and a “Best of the Guess Who” CD, you’ll be welcomed with open arms


If you support Trump then you should be prepared to “leave it” as the US doesn’t tolerate hate, racism, and extremism. Canada doesn’t either. So you might want to look for somewhere else that does…which will probably be impossible. It might be easier to just change your way of thinking and renounce hate.

Renouncing hate while your side is burning down cities and shooting people and then falsely blaming it on white supremacy! Yeah good one!

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Okay, let’s say I get a job in Canada. Where am I going to live? If it’s like other countries I’ve looked at, they require you to have a set sum of money in Savings as well as a steady income stream. A ticket to the border as well as survival supplies would drain my savings. Now what? What’s the next step?

Find an employer who can help you relocate. That happens all the time. Employers are really looking for people.

Start by asking yourself what jobs you qualify for. Maybe working for government. Health care Jobs are always so in demand there are programs that train people in health care functions, certificates and degree, where you receive pay as you take classes.

Jeezus! Would you look at the prices on this? Over a $1,000 just for the application? WTF?

Find employers first. Some may help you pay these things, especially government health care Jobs. There are going to be government programs, just like we have in the USA.

Anywhere you go, there will be no surplus of people who can figure things out. Any country would welcome someone who can do that. You may have a problem there, however.


Change the environment by working within it. It starts with inspiration and aspiration.

OK, I’ve figured it out for you. You’re a socialist, like the winter and need a government to make all decisions for you. Go to the North Korean embassy, tell them you want to renounce your US citizenship and defect to North Korea and will denounce the US as an evil capitalist country.

I’m told they get really good winters there.

Your OP’s title and follow up is a bit misleading. Are you looking for ideas to survive off the land in the Canadian Wilderness or are you simply looking for ways to immigrate to Canadian society? Big difference between the two!