The national emergency:
Congress, both houses, both parties are cowards. Congress should have reclaimed their power years ago yet did nothing. The same applies to this congress.
Today this is what we hav:
Democrats, who are dead set against Trump’s declaration as it is Trump. Many of them called it a grossly immoral travesty that would compound the problems at the border.
Some Democrats are dismissive of the notion that there was an emergency at all.
Constitutional conservatives lawmakers who view Trump’s order as a violation of the legislative branch’s power of the purse. The same hypocrites who gave us repeated continuing resolutions shirking their power of the purse as they cannot compromising to reach agreement.
The undecided Republicans caught between two bad choices voting against a Republican president or voting against a joint resolution that stops this president from taking action and changes nothing.
Neither party has ever proposed ending the presidents power to claim a national emergency.
And in the end, the democrats and republicans could care less about the flood of people claiming asylum, illegals entering the country, the free flow of drugs across the border. The both live in a bubble unaffected by the crisis at the southern border.
As a side note:
Lawmakers in both chambers are supposed to review national emergencies every six months to determine whether they are still appropriate. Not once has this occurred in the 42 years the law has been on the books. It’s why there ar 23 active emergencies on the books from past presidents.