Live - Stay Tuned - Trump Re-Election Kick Off Rally

So true - it is almost religious in nature. Then again the hard core base of Trump supporters are fanatical, nothing will sway them from their love and adoration of Trump. Quite fascinating when these same people spent 8 years saying Obama was a messiah to the left. Trump supporters have taken this to a whole new level.

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With Obama it was about the man. Thus the Messiah complex of the Left.

With MAGA its about the movement, not the man. MAGA will go on after Trump.

MAGA is about Putting America First, restoration of American greatness and power, and Safety and Security.

Once again, you could not be more wrong.


Over 200 miles has been built so far and the rest is coming in spite of the wailing, caterwauling, and attempts by the left to stop him.

Nobody expected it to happen over night except idiots divorced from reality.

Hell, we can’t build 200 miles of new highway in 2 years in this country starting from scratch.


That’s right, MAGA is the future and Obama’s socialism belongs in the trash heap of History along with the Soviet Union, the Nazis, in Greece

And you should create your own internet where you can whine about people complaining about social media platforms.

Your queen will never be irrelevant. She defines who the left is.
Hitler’s dead but his name keeps popping up. Even your hero Don Lemon is talking about Hitler.

Some sure do like the rules. Rulickers… I’m going to start using that term.

Hilarious - 200 miles is your benchmark of success.

The reality is the wall is never going fo happen.

In addition without comprehensive immigration reform the wall on its own only attacks one angle.

Why are you even in this thread if all you are doing is crying like a little baby? You don’t have to comment, after all this is a thread about Trump supporters talking about a Trump rally! You are welcome to go join another thread to support your candidate instead of making disparaging remarks at people here! You offer no value in your posts only ones that seek to instigate conflict with others! There is a word for that! Oh yeah it’s called “Trolling”!

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You do not know my heroes. This is the problem with the right wing and Trump supporters, there is an inability to see nuance. Just because I am not a Trump supporter does not automatically make me a democrat or a leftist.

Troll much Troll? Hmm I wonder!

Got it you want an echo chamber. Until I get banned from this thread I am free fo post.

In other threads you drone on and on about free speech yet you want to restrict it in this thread.

Sorry if the truth about Trump hurts you.

There are plenty of Hillarylickers pretending to be otherwise. I’m more right than wrong in my assumption.


This is what it wrong with immigrants like you who bring foreign anti-American views here. Conservatism is neither right nor left. You have no clue what Conservatism is, and that it is the only real position that a real American can take.

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Personal insults the refuge of those who have lost the debate.

It doesn’t hurt me, I am just calling you what you are and you can deflect all you want because it’s pretty obvious what your intent is! So have it Troll!

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You mean like you calling Trump senile? You’re done.

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So educate me.

Yes I am an immigrant and proud to contribute to the evolution of America. Just like all the immigrants before me.

What is the definition of a real American

There is no debate, but I Guess you can’t handle honest criticism!

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Not one post I have made is trolling. What I call an attempt to discuss you call trolling because you do not want your views and opinions questioned.

Report me to the administrators of the site and they can decide if I am a troll and take the action they feel is necessary.