šŸ”“ Live Impeachment Hearing Thread - Day 2

Wow really? Thatā€™s an incredibly misogynistic comment. The most powerful man in the world threatened and intimidated a witness in and impeachment hearing. Donā€™t you see anything wrong with that?;

Really? And Schiff isnā€™t? I think you have a seriously flawed perception of what that term means! Is that your race card?

Right! Then there is this!

Best moment of truth!

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Someone asked me today if I was following the impeachment stuff. I said no and they said the same. This is a person who follows the news more than me. The propaganda organs will tell us the nation is riveted to this stuff, but I wonder if anyone but the usual nuts are following it.

It could be that I have become so fringe that I have lost perspective on normie culture. I donā€™t know, but this does not seem to be getting a lot of attention. Maybe in clown world, ruling class lawlessness is just ignored by most people.


I also wonder whether my ever rightward drift has made me lose the objectivity needed to make accurate predictions.

But, on this particular issue the normies at the office ā€“ including all the support staff ladies ā€“ watched the Mueller and Kavanaugh Hearings with at least some interest. No one has even mentioned the snooze fest of the day even in passing, not even to make a joke, not once.

I think everyone is worn out and bored by the Orange Man Bad Show. The Democrats shot their wad with Mueller. Itā€™s all over but the crying.


I think thereā€™s us, thereā€™s normie culture, and thereā€™s the ruling class. The ruling class think that they own normie culture completely.

Not quite ā€“ excruciating boredom always gets a veto. No normal person wants to sit through this bullshit, and resents being told to care about it.

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My work keeps me very in tune with a wide swath of the normie population and what they are interested in, how they feel etc. Across the board, nobody has any interest in this impeachment shit. Even the rabid anti-Trumpers canā€™t be bothered to tune in. 99% of Americans are unable to find Ukraine on a map anyways.

Seriously, no one is watching this crap. The default assumption is that impeachment will happen, and no one cares what fig leaf is used. Orange man bad, he says bad words, he sleeps with super models and you donā€™t. Impeachment must happen, for ā€œreasons., muh-democracy, ā€˜Merciaā€

Trump made a tweet. Schiff interrupted things to let her know about it. Was Schiff an accomplice to this ā€œintimidationā€ of this poor, pitiful woman?

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73 percent of Democrats believe Trump Impeachment will FAIL


I ragree that the president is innocent of ALL charges- he told us all at each and every time he was accused of anything- and I have to believe him, in spite of the fact that so many of his syndicate are now convicted felons or complicity in the crimes he didnā€™t commit. Just a coincidence- and a proof of his gut sense that there is a Never Trump conspiracy against him aided and abetted by the fake press- his reputation for transparency and honesty aside. That poor man! SO unfair.


I think the only bad actor is Cohen. Everyone else seems to be caught up in process crimes.

Poor madam ambassador thinks she was to serve at the pleasure of the president while he believes she served to pleasure him- how could she know? Too late his venal accomplices are attempting to re-educate her- what Fascism really means. To their credit they are trying- in the extreme,

At Stoneā€™s age I hope trumpā€™s pardon comes sooner than Manafortā€™s- before itā€™s too late.

81% donā€™t count on political stats, 43% realize impeachment is like herpes- forever- senate approval or not. Already his ranks are thinning. Not even a sheep likes being fleeced all the damned time.

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Luv yer handle!, Fascist. It speaks volumes to the context. I still support the patriots who revolted against the last monarchist- George lll. I must be more conservative than yourselfā€¦

Um ok, well you clearly missed class today. :roll_eyes:

Well sweetie, Lindsey Graham says no crime is needed for impeachment. :man_shrugging:

Lol, the presidents abuse of power is being exposed every day, witness after witness is testifying under oath of it, heā€™s tweeting endlessly about it, and you think no ones paying attentionā€‹:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: