Liberal Boeing ain't going nowhere

This liberal cooperation has a series of technical and managerial problems. They have been hiring minorities at the expense of reliable white engineers and technicians. The management must go.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:



Must be doing some good things for Boeing stocks :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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Another Boeing Jet Mishap!

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You wouldn’t like the combination of jabbed pilots and Boeing

Scape goat?

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Just make several large donations to the DNC and all will be well . Nothing to see here …

Scape goat? Maybe… but who else would be responsible if we say (for most things) it starts at the top/happened on his-her watch?

Well, there are always hidden hands behind any corporation, you know.

Banksters, investors, that kind of crowd.

Eisenhower famously warned the American people about the power and danger of the military industrial complex, but he said nothing about who was financing this complex.

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That’s fair enough, and I don’t disagree, but we always hold the top people responsible when things go awry on their watch. I would point to Trump with the Scamdemic as an example. We know none of it was his fault, but he gets a ton of blame for everything that went wrong.

It depends on the corporate and national culture, I suppose.

Major corporations like Toyota, Sony, etc. in Japan are family-owned and the people who run them are children and grandchildren of the founders.

On the other hand, many American CEOs are hired hands and they themselves did not build the corporations from scratch. So they get fired and that’s pretty much the end of the story. Of course there must be many exceptions, like Henry Ford and his motor company.

I don’t have a TV, so I’m not sure but in East Asia, meaning Japan, Korea and China, a situation like that of Boeing calls for the President to appear in front of TV cameras and to bow down deeply to the public, uttering words of sincere regret and aplogies, that kind of thing.

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I do have a TV. That doesn’t mean anything worth a shit comes out of it. :sweat_smile:
The same thing happens on TV here… slobbering bullshit from those that are at the top, but it means nothing. A child can see through the total bullshit, fake apologies from the top brass that couldn’t give two shits about anyone other than their own wallets.

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It’s a liberal tool to spread misinformation and promote the dummycrats agenda !


Coincidence. Nothing to see here.