Left Wing Fox News Hires Donna Brazile As Contributor

Donna Brazile, the former acting chair of the Democratic National Committee, has joined the Fox News Channel as a contributor, the network announced Monday.

Brazile, a longtime Democrat operative, will provide political commentary on the Fox News Channel and Fox Business Network and makes her debut appearance on The Daily Briefing with Dana Perino this week.

“I’m delighted to be joining Fox News. I know I’m going to get criticized from my friends in the progressive movement for being on Fox News. My response is that, if we’ve learned anything from the 2016 election, it is that we can’t have a country where we don’t talk to those who disagree with our political views,” Brazile said in a statement. “There’s an audience on Fox News that doesn’t hear enough from Democrats. We have to engage that audience and show Americans of every stripe what we stand for rather than retreat into our ‘safe spaces’ where we simply agree with each other. For there is no safety in self-limiting numbers. You can be darn sure that I’m still going to be me on Fox News.”

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Why, in God’s name, would Fox hire a known liar and DNC hack?

While at the same time, badmouthing Judge Pirro for telling the truth?

Fox? You’ve REALLY fucked up here…f

Why Fox? Because they are another leftist legacy media platform masqueraded as “Fair and Balanced”! Start supporting OAN and stop watching this crap!

Black people still won’t watch that trash network. Nice try tho.


This is a stupid move on their part. People are already really pissed off about Judge Jeanine and their treatment of her. Donna Brazile is a cheater and a liar. She fed Hillary the debate questions and she rigged the primaries for her. Why would Fox even think about subjecting viewers to her loudmouth stupid views?

A very very bad move FOX.

The cheating on the debate questions should have made this hire not possible.

I shudder to think this is being done because the DNC shut out FOX in their primary “debate” cycle.

It will NOT put FOX in any D good grace and will piss off long time supporters.

Besides…Donna Brazile is as interesting as curing concrete…not very.


You do know they just finished a deal with left wing Disney. The liberal kids are taking over so get ready to see Fox News change


Why, in God’s name, would Fox hire a known liar and DNC hack?

While at the same time, badmouthing Judge Jeanine for telling the truth?

Fox? You’ve REALLY screwed up here…BIG TIME!

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Hiring someone with an opposing viewpoint is good.

Hiring a lying, cheating moron is not.


Fox is in complete solidarity with the MSM. Chris Wallace will tell you so (I can’t stand that guy).


I read Fox owner Rupert Murdock’s son, who’s running operations now, married a stupid socialist and she hates the conservatives. Time for conservatives to dump Fox and mover over to OAN. Tucker Carlson is probably the only decent one left there to watch.

I am glad to see you guys figuring out that Fox is part of the MSM you cry so much about. Amazing that it took them hiring friggin Donna Brazile for you to figure this out. Fox News was never on your side.

This explains a lot.

Disney specifically zoned FNC out of the deal, they didn’t want to own it.

Not hard to understand why.

FNC and other TV assets were spun off and are now owned and operated by Fox Corp, still headed by the Murdochs.

She was hired because she’s damaged goods, no better foil for them to work with. Damaged or incompetent is how FNC management largely likes it’s Democratic hires.

Think Bob Beckel.

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Could this be the very SAME Donna Brazile that gave Hillary the debate questions BEFORE the debate started ??? :exploding_head: :mask:

Fair and balanced includes both sides. Fox often has liberal guests on conservative talk shows. fox often shows clips of comments from liberal MSM broadcasts.

They do this as a means of showing just how idiotic the left can be.

I see your point, but most of the people that work for that outlet are lefty themselves, so I don’t really trust them anymore. I stopped watching them when they started putting on idiots like Juan Williams and Geraldo Rivera. I rather put my support behind OAN or Citizen Press where hard news and and actual Journalist do news. Fox News has run its course IMO!

I still like Fox News more than any of the blatantly liberal networks. What makes me switch immediately to Turner Classic Movies is when the hosts and the guests start talking over each other and you can’t understand their babble. Levin is about the only one that consistently let’s his guest finish speaking before responding. He rarely interrupts them.

Hannity is becoming a bore to me and is all too eager to interrupt speakers. Carlson invites too many real idiots to his show.