Left wing antifa activist gets what’s coming out side Boston Court

This loser Shows up to folks he disagrees with, sticks a camera in your face and calls you a nazi. So Monday, he got stomped on by guys he’s harassing, then he gets tossed by a Boston police officer down the stairs and gets charged with assaulting a police officer. Be sure to add him on Twitter his name is Rod Webber. And make fun of him. https://twitter.com/mattreednews/status/1551544312466399233?s=21&t=OgQ91RQhr58sfm5obh_tXg

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I think he deliberately took a dive both times, trying to fake being attacked. At least, that’s what it looks like to me when you see the extended video of the incident in the Twitter thread. I suspect if those neo-Nazis had really wanted to stomp him, he wouldn’t have been able to jump back up and keep harrassing them.

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