Law Abiding Citizen Peacefully Protests With Guns Outside of Home of VA Gun Grabber and Coward Mark Levine

That is some tight quarters! I hope you at least removed the jump seats in the back! Lol!

We were very big “outdoors” folks and you wouldn’t believe the miles we put on that truck. We had a wooden rack build to set on the back seats so we could store gear under it and us Kids or whoever wasn’t driving could sleep.

Added a luggage rack on top and a utility trailer to even more gear.

Dumbest thing we ever did was to trade it in in 1980 but they were offering more on a trade in than we originally paid for it. We bought it new for like 3,600.00

That was my excuse because it was the truth. Also he thought I was on drugs because my pupils were dilated he said. After telling him adamantly I’d be more than happy to take any drug test he wanted me to, he finally was convinced I was telling the truth.

Tie-rod is part of the steering assembly!

Anyway we should have a separate thread on that topic, I was a big Landcruiser enthusiast as I owned every model, including the latest one before going to Asia.

Getting back on topic, and not meaning to derail this thread, news of this story should give pause to the possible ramifications that can occured should leftist Politicians continue down this road.

Still quite different than the city. I’m on 10 acres of farm. My neighbor has 30.

Still, pretty funny. A great thread would be “pulled over an what was your excuse and how did it work out for you”.

I got pulled over when I was a teen for going 60 in a 30.

The officer that pulled me over asked what the hell my hurry was.

I said, " I am sitting your damn dogs and they got into your fishing tackle and have hooks in their mouths. Now let me do the damn job you hired me to do."

Free and clear and I got the hooks out one by one. Poor babies.

That is a great idea! I have a lot stories to tell. Many years ago before virtual depositions was a thing and before passing the bar, I was working for a Law firm involved with a class action on a asbestos case. I logged a lot of miles from state to state to interview people. I sat in many living rooms and kitchens listening to stories across the country! It’s why I know Waylon Jennings is from Littlefield, Texas :joy:

BTW, were you on the way to the vet?

I want to know why Levine didn’t man up and take the guns himself. Pussy.

Buddy Holly was from Lubbock and Recorded in Clovis, NM. They shut down the recording studio the day he died and it remained exactly as it was that day for decades. Last I went by it, it was still in the same shape.

Norman Vohs Studio Clovis NM. I lived in Lubbock for a while and grew up 10 Mi from Clovis and his music was still huge at the time.

Well he has neither any legal authority nor the stones to do so.

Nope. I pulled them out one by one. Thinking back? I’m lucky I didn’t get bit. The dogs were so grateful. You could just see it that they knew they were being helped even if it hurt. :frowning_face:

Back when George Washington was the president, people would frequently protest outside of his home in Philadelphia. The press was especially cruel to Washington at the time and would deliver anti-Washington newspapers to his home even after he canceled the subscriptions, just piss him off.

Protesting politicians where they lay their heads has been a part of the American tradition since our founding. When people attempt to infringe upon the rights of others it’s the American way to let them know that we will not tolerate it.

And that can be done where they work.

The families are not responsible for the lawmakers actions at work.

Lots of things have been done since the founding that were and remain wrong.

When they legislate it impacts us where we live and how we live. They themselves have become above the law in our two-tiered justice system, so protesting them where they live sends a clear message that they would listen to if they had any sense or actually cared about serving the population they represent…which they don’t.

It’s also the wrong message and it won’t play well with the general public. It makes us look like terrorists.

This turd pretends he’s not sending armed men after the citizens of Virginia.

Fuck him. The Constitution of Virginia is not legislatable away, and this turd deserves no respect.

The Constitution is how we decide things.

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Only when the civil authorities choose to do so.

They seem hell bent on pushing people into an armed revolt so they can then get broad enough support from the public to throw the whole damned thing out and disarm everyone.

Liberty to oppose the ruling class is going to die soon in the West. Your consent is frankly just not required anymore. All future legal activism will be deep state agenda disguised as protest. Real resistance will be highly illegal.

For a bunch of “Patriots” who “will not comply” 'Murican gun owners sure do freak the fuck out at every proposed gun control legislation.

Our constitutional rights take precedence of laws passed by either the states or fed’s.