Larry Johnson. It was Biden’s US that blew up Nordstream

Bodies don’t look bombed .

No. I never said the camps were bombed.
The supply routes were bombed.
The Germans heavily relied on their railroad network.

Actually it was safer in the camps than in German cities, be it Dresden or Hamburg or whichever major city.

Additionally, the total death count in the camps according to the Red Cross is 270,000 (about 1/4 of a million) which include all European nationalities, Russian POWs, Gypsies and Joos, plus many Germans (criminals, gays, army deserters, conscientious objectors, etc)

The Jooish population remained stable in the first half of the 20th century.

I forgot to mention large numbers of German communists and Nazi critics who included Christians. They were in the Nazi camps together and included in the above-mentioned 270,000 who died of diseases (dur to lack of medicine) and starvation (due to food shortages, courtesy of American bombers). “Six million Joos were killed by Germans” is a shameless lie.

Wasn’t Tyfoid fever a leading cause of death back then ?

Yes, it was in the camps.

Joos from Eastern Europe brought in the disease, given their questionable hygience practices. And Germans weren’t prepared for this.

So they quickly built very small rooms to fumigate the clothes and bedsheets with Zyklon B overnight, a well-known insecticide. (There was no DDT in Europe)

Ukraine, Israel and the US (The three bastions of Jooish world rule) are losing.

We wasted far too much money on Israel and Ukraine , ENOUGH ALREADY !
To date 1200 joos dead and 44,000 Palestinians , the joos are determined to get their 100 for everyone joo .

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Let’s face it.

Joos control the US.
If you don’t acknowledge it, you wouldn’t be able to say anything meaningful.

Boris Johnson is delusional.