Ladies and gentlemen, we will be landing in Palestine shortly

The US (Americans, that is) will have to pay for supporting the murderers in Gaza.
Karma is a bitch.

So does Hamas, solution nuke both Israel and Palestine at the same time. Problem solved.

Palestinians have got friends.

How about the ELITE IDF COMMANDOS rescuing four Israeli hostages in Gaza! KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK!!!

Excuse me? How many Palestinian women and children did they kill?

Are you EXCUSING HAMASS for digging tunnels under hospitals and schools using then as human shields.
Urban warfare is ugly and civilian casualties happen . Israel has costantly told the Palastinians to leave Rafa. You expect Israel to put them on buses to evacuate them!!!

It was Israel that built a tunnel under Shifa Hospital.

Causing collateral damage is one thing, but targeting women and children on purpose (while pretending to target fighters) is another.

During the US operation in Normandy, there were 15,000 French civilian deaths there. Now there are over 35,000 Palestinina civilian deaths in Gaza.

There is no doubt that murderous Joos are targeting women and children on purpose. Israel is the murder capital of the innocent in the world.

How many innocent Palestinians (men and women) were arrested and died in Israel’s prisons, we never know.

How is it that Israel is the world’s largest exporter of human organs?

Israelis target civilians, but the Palestinian fighters don’t.

The Israeli civilian casualties on 10-7 were by Israeli fire.

What really happened to Eisenhower?

Oh Yeah I forgot, the POOR PALASTINIANS are squeaky clean with no blood on their hands and are the.poor oppressed innocent people by Israel.


Zionists are thieves and murderers. No more no less. (Gog and Magog in the Bible)

Israel did JFK.
Israel did 911.
Israel did Fukushima.

I know nothing about military aspects of the conflict.
This is what Scott Ritter says.

Israel is not winning in Gaza at all.
Instead, Israel wants a renewed war in Lebanon.
Lindsey Graham is cheering. What a psychopath.

Hopefully it will be the death knell for the criminal, genocidal state of Israel

That is really alot of BS that Israel wants a war in Lebamon with Hezbollah. It would help if they kill.NASRALLAH. Hezbollah wants to distract Israel from Gaza but Israel is a HELL OF ALOT SMARTER than they are.Neither Hezbollah, Hamass and Iran will ever live to defeat Israel.

A few days old, but the basic situation remains the same, I think.

Scott Ritter

Other than that, a Palestinian woman in Gaza, whom the Israelis used as a servant to deliver them food and such, was shocked to see Israeli soldiers enegaged in gay group sex. I’m not surprised at all. Tel Aviv is the gay capital of the world.

At least they wont be EXECUTED like in MUSLIM countries.

Is it good or bad? I guess it depends on your orientation.

What if the role is reversed?

Meaning, Zionists are fake Joos invading the land of ancient Israel and Judea, which belong to the Palestinians because they are descended from anicent Israel and Judea.