L.A. County Sheriff Calls Attack on Larry Elder ‘Hate Crime’; Blames ‘Woke Privilege’

This is my Boss, if the Woke Hate Mob want to now come after HIM then they better think TWICE about doing so, this is not the Politically Correct fucking LAPD they will be dealing with, we will NOT tolerate the Woke Mob.





I hope they arrest her. I don’t believe in hate crimes. But since dems use it for political reasons charge the bitch


Someone would have to give her up, someone knows WHO this POS is, she is bound to have bragged to others about wearing the gorilla mask, this is her:


When my partner and I were on duty in the middle of the night last night, it was about 2AM, we were just sitting in the car and this Black man appeared out of nowhere and gave us coffee and donuts and said “Just to let you know people appreciate the Sheriff’s”

Yes most people White, Black, Hispanic, Asian etc LIKE Sheriffs, as opposed to the LAPD who most of the SAME people hate.

We should probably Defund The Police and give ALL the police money to the Sheriff’s Department, this way we soon would see a difference on the mean streets.

Of course on RARE occasions it’s not coffee and donuts that Sheriff’s get when sitting in the patrol car, last year the below shocking incident happened:


There are a lot more good people in the world than bad.

Don’t know what you do for a living Lucy but it sounds like you are putting your life on the line everyday for law and order.

You are appreciated.


Yes there are and all the good need to get together to stop the bad. It’s incredible that the bad are only a small percentage of ANY population and that the good comprise the majority of ANY population and YET they allow the bad to dictate terms and seemingly are oblivious to the situation that they the good have STRENGTH in NUMBERS to STOP the bad POS literally within HOURS.

I’m a Deputy Sheriff and I love it and I work with great people and we are committed to protecting the community and that might include having to take a bullet, but you know that’s the way the river flows.

Thank you :heart:

It is an interesting phenomenon.

Good for you, Lucy. You “guys” do so much every day to make lives better for so many.

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It is, I’m sure some Psychologists have studied it. I mean the majority have STRENGTH at their disposal and yet seem AFRAID to exercise it. I’m not meaning getting violent, I’m meaning simply TOGETHER standing up and saying NO, the minority of bad people would automatically back down or probably because they are actually cowards they would run away.

This shit that is happening now could have been stopped YEARS ago.

Thank you. My approach is to work WITH the Community, this way we develop a relationship and with that mutual respect, many Sheriff’s do the same thing, this is why we are NOT seen as The Enemy, unlike the LAPD who are seen for most part by the Community as The Enemy.

Good folks don’t abuse power. Bad folks do.

Law enforcement is the means to stop the bad folks. Yet, we have nitwits who want to de-fund and let the bad guys out on bail so they can continue on.

I’m okay with that as long as folks are allowed to defend themselves.

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I’ll respond to this later, it’s my bedtime now, just after 7AM and so I need a nap. I don’t actually need that much sleep, maybe 4 or 5 hours usually, yesterday it was 4 hours.

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And the bad folks accuse the good folks of abusing power and the MSM run with that Propaganda.

The nitwits are just the crowd who follow what they have been brainwashed with, they have been brainwashed that ALL law enforcement is bad and exists ONLY to go on random shooting sprees killing members of the public, thus when the call goes up to defund they shout it like the brainwashed morons they are.

They will next say that defending yourself is of course racist :roll_eyes:

Does gender hsve anything to with hate crimes? If a WHITE male would throw eggs at a BLACk candidate, it sure would be a hate crime.

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First - be safe ! And THANK YOU for all you do .
We must be aware the demoRATS have divided the nation starting with Barack Hussein Obozo . They made blacks think law enforcement was out to kill them randomly without cause and to resist at all cost ! They made blacks and minorities believe ALL whites are prilegded and slave owners . I guess they all think there are NO POOR struggling whites who live paycheck to paycheck . These same turds sit in their offices making millions of dollars , write books , get paid to speak at the indoctrination institutes called universities to catch these kids while their believes are ripe for total bullshit . :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

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