KU offers 'angry white male' course


T he University of Kansas is offering a course on angry white men and the role of “dominant and subordinate masculinities” as they connect to “rights-based movements of women, people of color, homosexuals and trans individuals.”

Angry White Male Studies” (HUM 365), which is being offered during the fall 2019 semester, will explore “the deeper sources of this emotional state while evaluating recent manifestations of male anger” in Europe and America from 1950 to present, according to the course description.

"exploring the deeper sources of this emotional state while evaluating recent manifestations of male anger” Tweet This

The course is cross-listed under both the Humanities department and the Women’s, Gender and Sexuality Studies department at KU and is an option to satisfy a Humanities course requirement.
Christopher E. Forth, the Dean’s Professor of Humanities and Professor of History at KU, is listed as the course instructor. Forth has considerable history studying masculinities and European cultural history and has “Cultural History, Gender and Sexuality, the Body and the Senses” listed as teaching interests.

University of Kansas. I’m sure they will enroll up to five angry white lesbians in this crap.

This is why we must de-fund these schools and refuse to lend money to students enrolled in them.

More student debt serfdom in return for retrograde indoctrination.

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So students complain about how high tuition is and how much their college loans are yet waste of time and money Marxist propaganda like this is OK?

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And when they finish college with a degree in Angry White Male Studies and can’t find a job doing anything other than pizza delivery or serving up coffee, that will be the angry white man’s fault, too!

Angry white male course? good lord.

I guess its a good course to take if you want a job at Starbucks or reasons why you cant get a job

I know a woman attempting to get her degree in women and genders studies , and I asked her what job is this degree preparing you for ?

Her reply Im not sure but it helps to get a job?

I thought wow, here is a future starbucks worker and future white man hater because she made poor choices.

When are they going to start offering “Entitiled and Lazy Blacks” or “Degenerate Hispanic Males” at these universities? They should do a better job of spreading diversity and equality.


Ah, yes … the Derpmanaties.

But…ebil white males have victimized them by raising their standard of living and providing them with countless innovations across a variety of academic disciplines and business sectors.

Honestly? If you are a parent paying for your child’s education or even partly contributing you should be looking over the courses and putting your foot down on this kind of crap.

An angry white male course should be taught by an angry white male.

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And it probably will be, unironically.

Hahahaha… yes. You are right. The libmen do seem angry at themselves and everyone else…

The PJs and coco crowd

You have to wonder what sort of projects the eager young White male haters will be assigned-

  1. Reaction assessment of White Male specimens in a confined area (a roadhouse) on a Friday night. After casual interaction climb onto a table and start shouting that 'f–k yeah, all white males should and will be replaced!" Then throw a beer on a large toxically masculine White male and record what happens next. Extra credit will be given for calling them uneducated morons, and detailing the intellectual superiority of progressives.

I bet they don’t mention THESE angry whites: