Kim Dotcom to be extradited from New Zealand to US to Face Charges

After 12 years of legal maneuvering by Kim Dotcom the New Zealand justice minister Paul Goldsmith has signed an extradition order for Dotcom to be extradited to the US. He is to face charges for piracy, copyright infringement, money laundering among other charges related to his Mega Upload company that he ran with a couple of his friends from Germany where he is originally from but now has been based in New Zealand where Kim Dotcom currently is a legal citizen of.

When looking at the legal aspects of this case, it is clear from a lawyers perspective (because I deal with this sort of issues in the corporate sector everyday) that Kim Dotcom didn’t break any law and was only providing a service for others to download movies, music and other things that the US deems as piracy. In other words this is another example of the US painting outside the lines in order to appease the Hollywood elites who cry that they lost money and thus it would appear Kim Dotcom is going to be sandbagged by the corrupt US legal system in order to made an example of. When someone gets too big, they (corrupt US legal system that represents the aristocracy) will use the apparatus of authoritarian state to destroy them, that is what they do. (See Trump)

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What options does he have left? He won’t get a fair trial and probably defending this case will bankrupt him with legal costs.

I have no idea what options he has especially when they take him into custody and ship out to the US. I hope he gets a good lawyer but that won’t be cheap I suspect.