Khazaria revisited. I'm surprised many people are waking up

I’m not in agreement with the video 100% but there are good pieces of info.

The old thread was:
History of Khazaria - History - Political Bullpen

Do you know who the Tartars are?

It’s confusing: there are Tatars and Tartars, although the word origin may be the same.

The Tatars are a Turkic Muslim minority in the Russian Federation and they have their own Republic Tatarstan, with Kazan as its capital. Historically, the Tatars worked for the Mongols and continued to rule Russia after the Mongols were defeated in the east. The Chinese called them 韃靼 (dada) and many migrated to China, Korea and Japan, eventually losing their identity.

As for Tartars, I’m totally confused. They say there was a large empire called Tartaria, ruling not only Russia and Siberia but the west as well. Max Igan said there was an advanced European style city buried under today’s Sydney, and they constitute the lost civilization of Tartaria. Tartaria was lost due to a timeline shift (or something like that).

I had a dream last night that was so real. It involved hanging out with Tartar’s and being their guest. My dreams are usually pretty prophetic so it may mean that something in the future is in store for me involving the Tartars. Perhaps becoming an ambassador or job related aspect!

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