Keep America Great?

The president needs a new campaign slogan.

Nobody buys “Keep America Great” while everyone is out of a job, under economic lockdown, and there are race riots all over the place.

This is the “greatness” we’re supposed to vote to keep?

This is fucking bullshit. We need massive change immediately.

But of course - Trump won’t ever admit this, because to acknowledge things suck right now would be to admit he’s fucked up.

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Until we deal harshly with BLM and illegals and win the house and senate , then and ONLY then, can America become GREAT !!!

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I don’t think this is all his fault, but you raise a great point. The conditions caused by various means certainly let the air out of his slogan for 2020. He should just go back to MAGA, but that would admit defeat on “KAG” (terrible slogan anyway), so they really have him in a pickle.

I’ll vote for him anyway. I might as well.

Unfortunately, Trump has an election to win. I hate that the next 3 months will be ass kissing the very people responsible for this mess, but if he wants to win he must play the game. My guess is he isn’t even in charge right now. Has an army of highly paid pollsters, computer nerds and strategists calling the shots.

Is there an alternative to Trump? If there is, I don’t see it. Biden is clearly a deep state flunky with close ties to China, no original thoughts or ideas, no accomplishments and now he’s suffering from brain death and hiding in a closet somewhere. He wins and his soon to be fat, black, marxist, Soros appointed Veep will be in charge and we might as well call BLM our daddy.


Trump sits on his ass all day watching cable news and bitching on twitter about his fragile ego. He relegates the running of our country to an administration chock-full of special interest dual-citizens who hate America as much as the left does. On its face, if President Jared and Trump are shown the door in a few months it wouldn’t necessarily be a bad thing.

I know something that nobody here knows, and it’s got me grinning ear to ear. It’s coming and in spades very soon. Have faith, I know I do.

Governors shut businesses in the states and some how Trump is responsible. I guess to the uninformed it makes some sense.

Come on…

Trump could end the bullshit anytime he wanted by speaking freely. But he won’t.

He could go on TV and say…Look, global corporations gave billions to BLM. They are not anti-establishment. There is no white supremacy. These are Obama’s terrorists.

They’re soldiers of the deep state and every real American should oppose them.

They think they’re going to demographically replace you and rape your children. That is what they believe they’re entitled to.

That is what it would sound like if Trump were really trying to MAGA and KAG. But he isn’t…and that is a problem.

This should apply to any country:

Take away voting rights from welfare recipients and criminals.

This sounds “undemocratic” but in ancient Greece, cradle of modern democracy, voting rights were given only to those who contributed to the society

And exactly how would the be reported? The MSM? They clearly report only what they chose and want the public to hear.

BLM? Without the manufactured media hysteria they are nothing.

This is the moment on time the left a media have created, A hysteria in people and there is no way to end it as there is no alternative source for information. The virus, a normal occurrence the left and media have created to ensure their resumption of power with a dementia case no less.

No he doesn’t.

Yes they do

Smart people blame that on the virus, not Trump

On Oct 4, 2019 the headline was:

U.S. unemployment rate falls to 50-year low
Oct 4, 2019 8:35 AM EDT

Then came the Covid virus.

The came fascist Democrat governors USING te virus to destroy the economy in order to hurt Trump.


US economy beats forecasts, adds 1.37 million jobs in August


Trump worked a miracle once and now he is starting to repeat it.


Your pessimism is fucking bullshit. We don’t need it.



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Actually he is out campaigning most days. I doubt if your drug-soaked carcass could keep up with him.

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Actually…he is monitoring the situation


You mean out of a job because their governor shut down businesses?

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Actually…he is in charge and the greatest president ever. If you hate ■■■■ then tell Jesus about it when you meet him. Since Jesus and is Family are Hebrew, I am sure he will appreciate your POV right before he sends you to rot in hell, where you obviously belong.



Lou’s The Man :slight_smile:

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For some unknown reason some believe Trump is responsible for the shutdown when each states governor and some mayors closed businesses.

The best part of the shutdown is Hollywood is essentially out of business s movie theaters remain closed.

Rum? No rum matey???


Trump built a great economy that featured low unemployment and high labor participation rates. Blacks and Hispanic unemployment were at all time lows, and wages were increasing, especially for the workers at the lower end of the ladder.

In addition, he has made great strides in foreign policy with the historic deal between the United Arab Emirates and Israel. He is bringing back our troops from the endless, unwinable war in Afghanistan. He has re-negotiated the bad trade deals that hurt American workers. His has done all of this with nothing but hostility from from your Democrat Party, @csbrown28.

These achievements have been sidetracked by the worst pandemic in a century. Now Joe Biden and the Democrats are rewriting history and telling us that they would have been ahead of this calamity and saved more lives. That is a load a crap. Biden called Trump “xenophobic” when he banned travel from China. If Biden had been president, he might have realized the gravity of the situation in April or May, certainly not January as he now claims.

In addition we now have Democrat campaign workers burning and looting our cities. You can’t even have a restaurant meal without a Democrat thug in your face demanding that you raise your fist and mouth their slogans.

So there it is. I have laid out the case for the re-election of Donald Trump. It is certainly a strong case. It is far stronger than it was for Barack Obama in 2012.

The democrat party stands for anarchy and violence. It is is running a senile old man for president who would be lucky if he were hiding in the Senate, like Robert Bird did in his final days. The Dem party is a disgrace.

I do laugh at people spouting the party line. It’s a virus and is here and will remain. The only thing w have accomplished is delaying the inevitable infections. Preventing the healthcare system from being over whelmed. Did they save 1 life or just give people a bit more time?

Everyone waiting for the magic bullet, the vaccine. That will be great until it mutates then they begin again as infections and deaths soar.

As a side note, the case for re-election is much simpler.
Who would you rather have, Trump with all his faults or Joe Biden the village idiot with dementia? It is inevitable that Biden will resign if elected putting Harris in the drivers set. That fact alone should be the deciding factor, Trump or Harris. Ask yourself, why was Harris so soundly dumped during the clown bus days?

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