Kamala Harris drops out of presidential race

How did you figure all that out muh dude?

I took a google analytics course and used Monte’s posts as a sampling source. Number of day’s within a given 30 day period he posts, number of posts of related topics and frequency of posts within a single day with variables. Pretty straightforward as this site keeps available data in public view that anyone can do it.

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They are all delusional if they think they even have a shot at winning the election. They all have no platform but (as you said) free stuff. Schiff, Nadler and Pelosi are so focused on impeachment they’ve left their party in disarray.

People don’t like what they see coming from this party, well except for the people who think they’ll get free stuff. Which, of course won’t happen.

The dems have seriously gone off the rails and it doesn’t look pretty for them at all.

If wanting America and Americans to prosper, if wanting to fight to preserve our Constitution and way of life, if putting America first is my priority as it is with many millions of Americans then I’ll proudly be called a “red hatter”.

Someone should design a tee shirt around that with image on it as well.

I’d buy it and be proud to wear it.


If the House votes for impeachment, any Senator will have to be in DC , 6 days a week for the trial and not campaigning. How will Warren and Bernie like that???


What is priceless is Trump War room just tweeted out a dig at #heelsupharris and the twitter universe explodes! :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

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I felt the same way when the best America could give us was a crook and a reality tv guy… :roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes:

And there it is again! Thanks for proving our point Monte, that you are not very original in your thoughts are ya?

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If that’s all he meant for people, I’d be crestfallen too. A bit simplistic, no?

Trump spoke to the forgotten Americans the Dems. had been telling “f*ck you rube, your jobs are never coming back - and we couldn’t care less”. They’re still doing it, and in 3rd person this time around.

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Eventually people from the rust belt get tired of hearing that they’re from the rust belt. It’s a hell of a concept isn’t it. I know that is how me and my family feel. Four generations of building and sacrificing for America in our area of the country…just to be told we live in the rust belt now and we need to learn to code and move to a place like SF where we can be consumed by next level gayness, H1-B pajeets, and literal human shit on every street corner. Fuck off with that shit.

The Dems aren’t going to win the rust belt and the labor unions that still exist there with the mantra of more free shit. We tried that and it didn’t work. We want our manufacturing jobs back.

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I’ve heard that term “Rust Belt” probably a million times and I never really gave it much thought. I can see how that is a really negative thing to say about where someone lives. The politicians say it as if it’s no big deal and never seem to acknowledge that they are the ones that created the Rust Belt in the first place. As a politician it’s actually something to be ashamed of. Instead they just talk about it like it’s a matter of fact. Really fucked up now that I think about it that way. Sorry fam.


Yes we can

At least you admit, Trump has something to do with reality.

If you loved your country, you’d do the job for a stipend. Trump gives his salary to America. Adam Clayton Powell was spot on, when he said: Once elected, the politician’s most important job is to get reelected. I’d do it for free. Just keep my old F 150 running & give me time to work in my garden. I don’t need Secret Service protection; I’m already well armed. Besides, the people would love a politician who asks for nothing personal & gives his salary to St. Jude’s & Shriners. What a platform for election. So I wear old worn out jeans, and drive an old truck; so what?

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Corey Booker apparently thinks that the American people actually care what his opinion on this is.

Funny shit from the most objective troll …NOT !!! :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

Probably Tulsi Gabbard.

Sooo here’s some objectivity -

Harris was a piss poor candidate who alternated between hateful (attack on Biden re: bussing), to superficial (laughing about her stoner days listening to music that had not yet been performed), to tyrannical (asked by a reporter about the 170 million Americans who like their health insurance she replied “they’ll just have to move on.”
there’s plenty more, her record as an AG in CA; how she got that job in the first place #heelsupharris etc.


Yes, she was about as qualified for the presidency as the draft dodging election cheating one we have now…

I can’t understand why mid size mayors or US Representatives think they have a shot of winning the Presidency.

A bunch of these leftist candidates in the race for the Democratic nomination for POTUS should seek the nomination of the Green Party, Socialist Party, or the Reform Party