Judge issues humiliating smackdown of Trump lawyers in Maricopa County court

Have your fun, because facts are on my side!

Out of respect for those on the inside I am not commenting on this anymore!

Lastly, you should be worried about stocking up on food rations than flapping your gums with dumb repeated MSM talking points! Starving is no fun place to be!

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Listen you filthy commies… these district judges aren’t beyond corrupt y’know?

This was anticipated.

As the legal team has constantly said they’re taking it to the Supreme Court.

How about - you tell me…what kind of evidence would be enough for you to begin to consider that this was not a fair election?

:heavy_check_mark: Hundreds of sworn affidavits and witnesses of illegal systems and process
:heavy_check_mark: Video evidence of the above taking place
:heavy_check_mark: Mathematical and statistical irregularities and impossibilities
:heavy_check_mark: Investigation of the voting software Corporation, it’s business partners and history
:heavy_check_mark: The software and server, demonstrating the ease of which anyone can alter votes
:heavy_check_mark: Video of shredding ballots
:x: “But, Russia”

I am looking forward to the full investigation and watching these corrupt officials walk into their cell. One. By. One.

A lot of lefties with there heads in the sand are about to get a big cup of ‘wake the f@@k up’

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Yeah! When they find out who Al Gore is! :rofl:

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Sidney Powell was on Newsmax earlier and said the voting software was used in 2016 to steal the nomination from Bernie…and he was informed of it, and instead of fighting, cashed a check and bought a new house. Additionally, complaints of this kind go back to 2003.

What do you think of that @urbanite @PizzaGuy @FiredUpDem?


We are on the precipice looking into the dark. Either way this comes out will not be good. I’m hoping the deep state will be held accountable and crushed. Our freedom is at stake. I hope that you my friends are preparing.


We are listening to the actual lawyers and not the activist judges. Sekulow noted his legal team is working on the constitutional case, while the Trump campaign legal team of Rudy Giuliani, JennaEllis, and Sidney Powell are focusing on compiling the evidence of voter fraud, including Dominion Voting Systems.


The media is saying Trump’s lawsuits are being dismissed. This is NOT true. The lawsuits being dismissed are not by Trump’s attorneys. They only have THREE lawsuits. This is not over. They are just panicking.

Truckers are going on strike soon, so yeah focusing on stocking up on essentials should be top priority if you are living in the cities.

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Here it is! great segment.


They are scared and they are trying to cover their tracks.

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Trump just needs to concede. But as we all know, he will never concede. Trump will just keep crying about it like a baby until the end.

Dim Sum - check this out!

New Circuit Assignments Effective November 20, 2020
MI - Brett M. Kavanaugh
WI - Amy Coney Barrett
PA - Samuel A. Alito
GA - Clarence Thomas

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Wow, now that is news, a leftist judge from a leftist shithole rules against a republican.

Trump lost Biden won. Please…will anyone saying otherwise please post bonafide evidence. There has been so much complaining about “fraud” yet no one has proven a thing. Posting random links that leads readers down a 4 week rabbit hole isn’t evidence. It’s clickbait.

There is plenty of evidence already, why do you continue to ignore it? Biden did not win! Its why its being disputed and no electors have certified the election, and last time we check MSM does not get to decide elections! I suggest you read up on the election rules and the constitution instead of complaining here like a soy boy crying bitch!

Here you go skippy! You can start here!

The very same affidavits that are getting thrown out of court because they are utterly worthless. Ok.

Yeah I don’t think so, and its obvious you know nothing about the law nor paying attention to the particulars. You are just throwing shit out there hoping it sticks to satisfy your butthurt feelings! Try again Honcho!

You could probably make a fairly good case as regarding the centrality of your point, if only it were presented in a fair and analytical manner.

But such words as “Trump cultists,” together with the condescending manner in which you have presented the facts, renders you as nothing more than a partisan hack.

Sorry. But that is just the way that it is.