Judge Instructs Jurors They Need Not Believe Trump Is Guilty To Convict Him

Judge Instructs Jurors They Need Not Believe Trump Is Guilty To Convict Him

U.S. · May 28, 2024 · BabylonBee.com

NEW YORK, NY — As the criminal trial involving former President Donald Trump winds to a close, the presiding judge instructed jurors that they don’t have to believe Trump is guilty to convict him.

The reminder from Judge Juan Merchan was issued to the jury as closing arguments began, with the judge clarifying that Trump doesn’t necessarily have to be guilty of a crime in order for the jury to find Trump guilty of a crime.

“Don’t get hung up on whether or not he’s ‘guilty’ of anything,” Judge Merchan instructed jurors. “Words like ‘guilty’ or ‘innocent’ or ‘evidence’ are really just for show, anyway. The important thing is that you listen to the closing arguments with an open mind and an unwavering commitment to handing down a guilty verdict. Remember, believing Trump is guilty is not important. Declaring him guilty — that’s what you’re all here for.”

As the trial neared its end, media, politicians, celebrities, and the general public all eagerly awaited the outcome. “Judge Merchan has run a very strict courtroom,” said one legal analyst. “Not allowing any type of shenanigans, reasoned arguments, or clear evidence to be present during the trial was a bold choice, and now he’s making sure the jurors are aware that believing Trump to be guilty has no bearing on convicting him of the charges. An impressive stance from a judge to say the least.”

At publishing time, Judge Merchan had reportedly informed bailiffs to be ready to handcuff Trump and escort him to jail regardless of whether or not the jury found him guilty.

What a total load of crap. This judge should be reprimanded/censured/removed from the bench.

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It would be wonderful if our enemies were stupid enough to say something like the supposed statement from Judge Merchan, but they’re not.

This is obviously a made-up quote, probably from a Russian troll. If it was a real quote, there would be a link to it. Making up things and attributing them to our enemies actually helps them, because it discredits us. We want to have the reputation of always telling the truth, which means documenting with links anything we assert about what our enemies have said and done.

Here are some real quotes from the Judge:
[ Donald Trump Trial: Top 10 Quotes - Newsweek ]

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If this is true, reasonable doubt doesnt exist anymore.

What a sad day for this country. Good by America.


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Trump never had a pray in the den of scumbag NY liberal turds . My hope is Trump appeals all the way to the SC which would take a great deal of time and he wins the election then pardons hisself . :pray: :tada: :confetti_ball: :tada:

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It’s now official, open season on all presidents, past and present.

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Only those who dare disagree with the demoRATS .

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