John Fetterman Makes the U.S. Senate Safe for Disgraceful Slobs

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John Fetterman Makes the U.S. Senate Safe for Disgraceful Slobs

Sen. John Fetterman (D., Pa.) speaks during a press conference on Capitol Hill about 11 Senate Democrats who sent a letter to President Joe Biden urging him to invoke the 14th Amendment to avoid a catastrophic debt default, in Washington, D.C., May 18,

By Rich Lowry

September 19, 2023 6:30 AM

The senator from Pennsylvania has beclowned himself and his institution — not that he cares.

John Fetterman’s Senate legacy is now set — he’s the guy who made it possible to dress like a slob.

What the Missouri Compromise was to Henry Clay, what the Second Reply to Hayne was to Daniel Webster, what the Civil Rights Act of 1957 was to Lyndon Johnson, Carhartt sweatshirts and baggy shorts will be to John Fetterman.

The Pennsylvania senator is the poster boy — if self-indulgent sloppiness is your thing — for the Senate dropping a dress code that required senators to dress in business attire when appearing on the Senate floor.

Fetterman briefly complied with the rule by making the sacrifice of putting on a suit and tie after he was first elected. Then, he reverted to his standard uniform that makes it look like he just arrived after sitting on his couch, surrounded by empty pizza boxes, watching football games all weekend.

There’s business casual, then there’s Fetterman’s garb. It wouldn’t be acceptable at many fraternity events around the country. Philadelphia Eagles fans dress more carefully on game days. If he showed up at almost any service or working-class job in America dressed this way, his supervisor would give him a stern talking-to and insist that he have more respect for himself, his colleagues, and his customers.

But, as it happens, he’s only a United States senator, so he can wear whatever he damn pleases.

When the history of the decline of American institutions is written, the jettisoning of the Senate dress code may not be more than a footnote, yet it will deserve mention.

It has long been remarked that it matters how we dress. Mark Twain is sometimes said to have written (in what’s actually a paraphrase), “Clothes make the man. Naked people have little or no influence on society.”

It turns out that slovenly people do, however.

The business suit as we know it had its origins in the court of British King Charles II. Then, the 19th-century British trend-setter Beau Brummell made an important contribution by simplifying the outfit. After various twists and turns, by the mid-20th century in the United States, the modern suit had arrived. As an article in the Atlantic notes, “It appeared on everyone from cab drivers to business executives, and made all appear polished and professional.”

The unraveling began several decades ago with the advent of Causal Friday, which eventually spread into Casual Everyday.

The Senate giving way to this ethos after a couple of centuries of a higher standard is a sign of the times.

We no longer reliably produce people willing to conform themselves to the norms and expectations of their institutions; personal brands are considered more important. And the leaders of institutions tend to lack the courage to insist on rules that may no longer be fashionable, even if they still serve an important function.

It’s not that John Fetterman is going to be a better or worse senator depending on how he dresses — he’ll be a party-line vote regardless. But his dress speaks to how he regards his position.

This would be obvious in other contexts. If someone shows up at a funeral or a wedding in jeans and a T-shirt, it is taken, understandably, as a sign of disrespect, as an unwillingness to make the basic effort to acknowledge the solemnity of the occasion.

A session of the Senate isn’t as fraught and meaningful as a wedding or a funeral, but it should be considered an event of some consequence. The history of the body stretches back to the beginning of the republic, and it is invested with considerable power. Dressing appropriately acknowledges this; dressing as if it’s a bowling alley disregards it.

Would we take a judge as seriously without his or her robes? Or an officer of the law without his or her uniform?

Fetterman has won this battle, but at the price of beclowning himself and his institution — not that he cares.


Why are they allowing this and making special exceptions? Hasn’t America embarrassed itself enough?

John Fetterman is a disgusting retarded fat slob much like Jizzard and should have never been voted into office. Of course his election is an entirely different story


I AGREE 100% with you having NOT VOTED for this IDIOT that is an EMBARASSMENT to the Commnonwealth of Pa and the VOTERS. I DIDNT VOTE for this ANAL ORIFICE and would have voted for RONALD MCDONALD instead!!!
He looks and dresses as if he is from the HOOD. AGAIN , what is the mindset of those that voted for him???


Apparently not. :joy:


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What a fking disaster this country has become!


John Fetterman is a slovenly, unattractive manchild of privilege who rails against “elites” while not working until 40 until his rich daddy funded his political career.

A perfect poster child for Democrat politicians.

He dresses like this because this is what elites like him think the “middle-class” dresses like.

He is a prime example of the degradation of standards in America, in which decades-old unofficial rules of decorum are changed because this absolute slob cannot be bothered to put on a suit to represent his state in the Senate.

He really does disgust me in a way that few politicians - who are all various levels of disgusting anyway - do.~ Rob Smith


Lurch in sweats. :rofl:


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I thought it was “Uncle Fester”

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


I hope those who voted for him ( NOT ME ) are PROUD of the FASHION EXAMPLE he shows representing PA as a U S SENATOR .



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A whole new way to dress down

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He should start his own Senate Fashion Line !!!