That is a very good point. When looking back on things Judge Hannen sticks out the most.
Quite so, Roxie. What about after Trump can no longer be elected?
Just keep the Democrats out. Out of the White House; out of the House of Representatives; out of the Senate; out of the Federal Courts; out of the State Courts; out of the DOJ;…ad infinitum.
They are already out of their minds!
I will never again knowingly vote for any Democrat candidate for any government position.
They used to be somewhat sane. That boat has left the dock.
The Democrat Party appeals to the insane among us. It is no wonder that its membership is replete with lunacy.
For Biden camp to respond to Flynn’s ‘unmasking’ report to be “racist”; is like Hillary Clinton blaming everything (she doesn’t agree on) on some “Vast Right-wing Conspiracy”.
Hell Dementia Joe has the perfect defense " I DO NOT RECALL "
Haven’t they realized they wore out the racism card a long time ago?
Now, it just laughable.
Actually, it is the left thinking crying racism is still has some momentum left. I’m sure there are those who still buy into it but the rest of us are pretty over it.
She is wholly disinterested in politics…
That is probably why they want him as their nominee! Plausible deniability aside from the other fact he is the perfect puppet to be controlled!
RIGHT , so are you .
Exactly , only Monty could be worst .
Well it works for dipshit @Dave and @Monty hall just like screaming RUSSIA ,RUSSIA ,RUSSIA for 3 plus years seemed to give them. comfort .
Acknowledgement of Biden’s dementia has spread to other continents.