Joe Biden is Dead

Rumors are flying around that Joe Biden has already passed away and that his handlers are strategically waiting to release this news and want some time to prepare Kamala Harris to be president. We will have to wait and see what the official report is, but some are also suggesting that it was from complications of COVID.

Right. No video statement, like televised LBJ speech.

He certainly is missing in action. But it is inescapably the fact that President Biden withdrew from the race voluntarily. Grudgingly and under pressure, certainly, but voluntarily. Is it? No appearance to tell the American people he’s no longer running for re-election. Just a post on social media.

Which brings to the front, are democrat subverting democracy? Joe Biden succumbed to a coup by Nancy Pelosi, Barack Obama, and Hollywood donors, ignoring millions of Democratic primary votes. The voters selected Biden and sent representatives vote for him to on the ballot as the democrat representative. Now a select group are deciding who will be the democrat candidate for president, not the people. Where’s the outrage??? Harris was soundly rejected by the people in the past yet today is the people’s choice without a vote of the people?

DNC delegates face unprecedented role of choosing nominee after Biden’s exit

More than 14 million Democratic primary voters cast ballots supporting Biden as the nominee. Now a few thousand of his delegates will pick his replacement.

How curious democrat voters are now silent. Not 1 saying, where’s Biden.

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According to Israeli Sources, a Meeting at the White House which was Scheduled to take place tomorrow between U.S. President Joe Biden and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, during his ongoing Visit to the United States, has now been Canceled.


Of course they will cancel any meetings and keep him locked away because they have no idea what this dimwit will say .

I suspect that may be the issue. I suspect he really doesn’t want to step away.

Who wants to hear about his “VP” Trump ?

Why would President Biden announce such a momentous and historic decision on a Sunday afternoon on a social media platform? Most Americans do not have X accounts. Why not issue a statement on the White House website?

Also very strange – the letter was not written on White House stationary. And his signature appeared to be photoshopped. Also, Biden’s signature was underlined and typically he does not underline his name.

The White House staff only found out once the message had been posted. And Cabinet members were notified by the Chief of Staff not Biden. And that brings us back to last Wednesday.

Interesting times.

Another democrat first.

Not really , dummycrats have a way of making sure they move any and all obstacles in the path of their agenda .

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Biden is here, but not here; the leader of his party, but not the leader of his party; the commander in chief, but not really in command anymore.

He is still the empty suit we knew before.

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The president of the United States, having been away from the public eye for six days, reemerges as a disembodied voice on a speakerphone — President Charlie from Charlie’s Angels. This is how Biden’s presidency ends — not with a bang, but with a whimper.

I heard that he had a medical emergency while in Las Vegas and that was the last anyone has seen or heard of him. So many stories circulating hard to believe which is true.

Trump is going to meet with him though.

Apparently it is now being reported that Joe Biden had a stroke. Woodrow Wilson comes to mind now.

I know he’s brother Frank released a statement saying they’ve got to enjoy the time.They’ve got left with him

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Kamala Harris has a phone conversation with Biden.
No visuals. Just the voice.

How many Elvis (voice) impersonators were there? Some of them sounded real.

Trump is right. She is easier to beat.
She really challenges the intelligence of Americans.

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All the signs were there , I’m not surprised .

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Biden’s presidency ended the same way it began: Under a thick cloud of cover-ups, irregularities, and suspicion.

Aura of illegitimacy from start to finish.


Started in the basement… ended in the basement.