Joe Biden Elected as President of the United States

Trump should declare Martial Law, doing that voiding the November election and then go after all the RINOs and journalist scum to shut them up, I don’t know declare them Enemy Combatants and then organise an actual investigation into the November election and then work towards having another election perhaps in the Summer of 2021 but an election ALL on paper ie. paper ballots and everyone fills in their ballot with an ink pen NOT a pencil that can be erased NO VOTING MACHINES an ALL paper ballot election like they used to have years ago.

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This is literally might what have to be allowed to happen, if Trump is unable to declare Martial Law then let Biden and Kameltoe in and pray that the entire system across the board collapses.

Yes people will suffer BUT they will DESERVE to suffer, they need to be FORCED in the most BRUTAL way to wake the fuck up.

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Thank you darling for calling me fantastic, I must say that I do agree with you, I am fantastic!

That’s great! Let’s do lunch sometime. :sunglasses:

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Funny that those who supported Citizens United are critical of big money in politics…:roll_eyes:

Big Money is destroying politics.

So you’re a proponent of reversing Citizens United…?


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I am against Big Corporations getting involved in politics, they basically buy candidates and then if elected - which obviously now probably involves vote fraud - then said candidate is beholden to their Corporate Pay Masters as opposed to being beholden to their constituents. I also think there should be a general cap on the amount a political race can cost eg. cap it at $50 million and the fundraising should be via small donors who we would say could give a maximum of $5,000 each but no higher than that.

Well, conservatives on the Supreme Court disagree with you and gave us Citizens United.

I agree with you…:+1:


All typical traitor commie/dems response to the steal.

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Here is another commie Joe repeating the same old mantra and getting a lot of (robotic) applause.

Just like the American Joe, this one seems to mumble a lot, probably due to lack of sound sleep, resulting from his paranoia. (Or is it just his Georgian accent?)

By the way, his Georgian name “Jughashvili” means "son of a ■■■ "

Across what border???

And no, Trump cannot declare martial law, and again, it’s just fantastic that we have some Americans who would like to see their candidate declare martial law because he lost an election…FUCK!!! :rage::flushed:

Yep!!! And now leads Trump by 7 million in the polular vote. A landslide repudiation of the impeached president by any measure, including Trump’s own…:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

Of course there wasn’t any voter fraud especially in Pa. This was the most " honest " election n years.
This election makes the US look like 3rd world countries with ballot box stuffing and all types of " MAIL IN VOTING " Welcome to the Estados Unidos of Venezuela . Maybe there is job for Jorge Ramos in the Biden Admin??? I know Ramos is Mexican also , but a BIG supporter of ILLEGALS.

Not so fast Joe.

It gets better!

Michigan Judge Orders Forensic Review of 22 Dominion Voting Machines, Giuliani Says

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Yes. It’s happening.


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Nothing is going to happen with these trash lawsuits.