Joe Biden Accidentally Calls for Jihad against America

Retard J. Biden has started to quote Muslim Hadiths in his presidential campaign. Even though he is reading from a teleprompter I still find it difficult to understand him. He quotes a misunderstood hadith and is now being criticized by Islamic scholars. The Koran and Hadiths are at best convoluted. What a mistake to use Islamic Religious material in the USA!

My God are the demonRATS really going to put this dope up as their very best ? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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Freudian slip…

The French find the term amusing because “slip” in French is

The Enemy wants Death to America

The leftists are deranged. They are brigading most all forums. H forum had a poll and Biden was ahead by 68% last I looked—as if H fans would vote for Biden.

New Battleground States Polls:

Trump 50 (+5)
Biden 45

Trump 49 (+4)
Biden 45

North Carolina:
Trump 49 (+3)
Biden 46

Trump 49 (+3)
Biden 46

Trump 48 (+1)
Biden 47

Biden 46 (+1)
Trump 45


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Just wait until they count the dead and the 45,000,000 illegals !!!

Stay where you are, and don’t you ever come out. LOL

His brain meltdown is pretty bad, isn’t it?

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WHAT! He is running for president?

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With massive vote rigging, he may actually become one.

With Hillary, they rigged a few million votes and were confident that was enough. So their mouthpiece printed and shipped out this. What they didn’t know was, they needed to rig a few million more.


And he is the very best the demonRATS have to offer the Country . :rofl: :rofl:

This is going to leave a mark! Pretty disgusting!

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Heya I have to do all this posting before it lets me use messenger. Yeah Biden is running, what a numb nut