Joasiooiash heads remove James O’keefe from project veritas

The ooooohas that run PV, have had enough of American men being masculine.
The rise of anti Americanism from the joaooish community is the higest it’s been in years.

16 staffers, are listed as Michael Villani, Eric Spracklen, Mario Balaban, Jake Mantel, Patrick Van Duyne, Sal Gueli Journalists: Arden Young, Preston Scagnelli, Bobby Harr (Lithium), Bethany Rolando, Joanne Sumner, Gillian Pietrowski, Jonathan Bailey, Joshua Hughes, Nick Mehaj, and Angelo Martinez

anti-Semitism, (see Researcher’s Note) hostility toward or discrimination against ■■■■ as a religious or racial group. The term anti-Semitism was coined in 1879 by the German agitator Wilhelm Marr to designate the anti-Jewish campaigns underway in central Europe at that time. Nazi anti-Semitism, which culminated in the Holocaust, had a racist dimension in that it targeted ■■■■ because of their supposed biological characteristics—even those who had themselves converted to other religions or whose parents were converts. This variety of anti-Jewish racism dates only to the emergence of so-called “scientific racism” in the 19th century and is different in nature from earlier anti-Jewish prejudices.

The persistence of anti-Semitism into the 21st century and the marked rise in anti-Semitic incidents in the early decades of the century have prompted new consideration of how to define and combat the phenomenon, which has both incorporated old tropes and taken on new forms.

What about the rise of anti Americanism from their community??

Your excuse for your anti semitism.

Your excuse for anti American

You are an embarrassment to the conservatives of this once great nation.

No better that the extremist left.

You live in Wyoming I live in a major urban area, you think you know more then me?

Certainly appears that way.

But then again I don’t label and classify people into groups like the extremists do to divide this once great nation.

As a side note I spent years in Denver, Chicago and Detroit.

I gave up the shit hole cities and the extremists like you for a better lifestyle.

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They are telling me I need to die off, and all that look like me

Dr Makow is a Jooish Canadian researcher

Texe Marrs- Judaism is not a Religion


The oooohoias are losing money so they beg James to come back

I don’t listen to this guy on a regular basis, but sometimes he says interesting stuff. I understand his mom is Jooish