Building a wall requires finding. Neither party ae willing to fund a wall.
Deport illegals, Big problem again is finding. 600K illegals have received their deportation orders and refuse to leave disappearing into the US. Another 1 million are near deportation order and will also disappear.
Until congress is serious about enforcement which means money, nothing will change.
But what the hell, it’s all trumps fault.
p.s. If you think anyone ls will be able to secure the border without funding, let me know who they are and where the money will come from.
Yiur first source is from september, 2017. And after wasting my time reading it, i found that it doesn’t support your claim.
Your second source requires a subscription to view.
He’s obviously a very mentally ill psychopath but that doesn’t mean you need to get rid of him. If Trump goes then Russia’s ability to stop US blackmail ends. Russia/Putin obviously have the goods on Trump. Why else would Putin think he’s so great.
You seem to have Trump figured out but I have to wonder why you don’t see the harm being done to your country by Trump’s batshit crazy policies. Any, or most of those policies can work in the short term but will come home like the chickens in the longer term.
I actually think you know that and it’s the reason why you’re contradicting yourself. You agree with most of his policies but you know he’s poison for the country?? What’s that all about?
I’m a Canadian and I’m not talking to you to promote the Democrats. They’re just as bad as the Repubs.
I’m trying to convince a few Americans at least that the answer is ‘socially responsible capitalism’, which is nothing to do with communism or socialism. It’s what America needs and what the voters were clearly asking for in your last election for pres. Trump promised that to the ordinary poor and middle class but he lied. He’s a psychopath remember. Bernie also promised it but was hijacked by the Clinton idiots. Bernie spoke the message but in any case he probably wouldn’t have been able to deliver. Americans weren’t quite ready.
Do you think the Bernie/Trump thing is going to happen again? I think the establishment of both parties are going to be very proactive in stopping any real and decent change. There is billions of bucks at risk by the 1 or 2% if the people come to understand that both main parties need their asses booted down the road.
A real cold-warrior here. What are you worried about, Trump will let Putin make your trip to Sebastopol more difficult? Oh yeah, Obama did that.
If you’re afraid of Russia annexing Latvia or something, maybe Canada can give buttloads of money to them for defense. Or maybe get the US kicked out of NATO and take over ownership of it, I’d be very supportive of that. We’ve spent enough money protecting people from a non-existent USSR. Canada has a bigger GDP than Russia, you can do it.
Thanks you for the alternate thread invite. If you want to link it again, that would be awesome. I know it’s not cool to skip out on a thread i am involved in, but sometimes life gets busy. I have other priorities, despite my desire to discuss politics with intelligent people.
I think i only looked at the one source, to be honest. I will defer on this one. Although the term “mainstream media” is still a stretch given Fox’s popularity. Not trolling here, btw