January sixth 2021

Its nothing to do with courage. Trumps legal team and other lawyers did not make a case with evidence that could be heard or did not have standing.

You can have all the evidence in the world but if you do not have standing i.e show you were injured in some way then the case does not proceed.

These are all established tenents of our legal system.

I think our republic has standing lol but judges are terrified of the mobs democrats are using to attack ppl that go against them… because a trailer of 300 thousand ballots that was stolen isn’t going away.

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What will happen if President Trump leaves office in January? He will instantly become the most consequential and powerful ex-president Americans have seen. Making Donald Trump a one-term president will become Establishment Washington’s biggest nightmare.


Sure… okay…


:warning: All ACTUAL photographs, videos, facts, statistics, figures, sworn affidavits and testimony is disputed, unless you are a lone anonymous whistleblower wanting to impeach Trump.

Got it!


Sidney Powell was seen at the White House tonight

Making Donald Trump a one term president was the best thing Americans could have done to save the country from collapse…

He lost? Link?..

LOL… the collapse that is coming is going to be something to behold.

What collapse are you referring to? And why are so many of you gleeful at the prospects of America’s collapse…:thinking:

The only evidence is the people that have signs documents attesting to fraud.

To actually address the issue of Fraud it requires an actual investigation into the allegations. Every American should be demanding to know the truth, every allegation is a lie, every allegation is tru and of course somewhere in between.
The investigations are the responsibility of the States where the allegations ae made.

Obviously people are making the decisions to go forward of wait the clock out and do nothing. So far it appears that the states involved chose to do nothing, that should offend even you as if there is fraud voters are disenfranchised. The democrats are always harping on disenfranchising people.

It appears that the democrat leadership and Biden chose to not demand the claims be investigated which clearly speaks to his intentions as well as th party leadership, win a any cost. There is no repercussions for voter fraud, no investigation and no penalty of it did occur. So much for the rule of law.

Is this the way you want your country to be run, who can lie, steal, and cheat the most wins?

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It goes well beyond that. Trumps DOJ/FBI investigated fraud claims and found none.

It’s over, Trump was defeated in a super landslide and he has been denied a second term…:wink:

Any republican that certifies election on January 6…

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Will be labeled a “forever cksucker!”