someone would have to know they were about to be attacked which would allow them to get into a better position to defend themselves without that information under these circumstance you are fucked it’s just a reality
I’m not trying to be argumentative but under the circumstances of this video (with the two girls) I could beat most you to death but you guys don’t want to see reality you think it would be different because it’s YOU that’s not how the world works if someone attacks you by surprise and you are physically stuck at the same time your life is in the attacks hands if one of you guys attacked me under these same circumstances you could also beat me to death that’s just how the world works
so what is your advice on how’s best to deal with this situation??
look these guys could have easily been beat to death if that’s what their attackers had decided to do their is no secret ninja techniques that would save their life’s real violence is not like a movie the damage is generally done in seconds and it’s funny to watch
Well there are a few variables we don’t know of course. How frequent is violence in her school? Did she know her attacker had a beef with her? I grew up in a violent poor neighborhood and I can tell you, if someone came near me, I kept a close eye on them. If I knew someone had a beef with me, I always knew where in the room they were and if they approached me while sitting, I stood up.
None of that makes it the victims fault of course.
Oh and then there are the completely stupid rules most schools operate under, zero tolerance rules that punish both people in a fight if you defend yourself for instance.
It was an observation that she did absolutely nothing to defend herself. That doesn’t mean I expected her to karate chop her chair in half, break free lay out the bully.
Not one time did she even try to punch the bully in the leg, reach up and scratch her arms while she was pulling her hair…or do anything that showed she was trying to defend herself. There was sound in the video, she didn’t even make one peep, like yelling stop! I am NOT blaming her for being attacked but I rather I found everyone’s behavior and reaction to this attack very, very odd.
I’m not sure if teachers are allowed to break up fights anymore? He could be clearly heard telling the kids to turn off their phones and telling someone to run to get a certain person for help. We used to have intercoms in our class rooms. Why send a student to get help. The teacher should have had an emergency number to call?
The whole situation was incredibly “off” in a lot of ways.
I’m willing to bet both students get kicked out for "fighting " that’s the way liberals think . Well the taxpayers should get stuck with ANOTHER lawsuit .
If kids are being taught to “do nothing” when attacked, to “help no one” when someone is being attacked how do they not carry this over into their lives outside of school?
What if that girl had suffered brain damage? Couldn’t the teacher at least have pepper spray? How in the hell do you just do nothing when a human being is being beaten right in front of you?
That one always got me. I got sucker punched my Freshman year by a senior for no reason and he wound up cutting my eyelid and giving me stitches. (Was wearing a ring.) After he did this, he was daring me to “fight” him. I didn’t respond in kind. He was expelled. I wasn’t. If I had retaliated, I would have been in trouble too. I wasn’t because I consciously made a choice not to retaliate. He couldn’t reasonably defend his actions. If I had retaliated, it also would have been my word against his. Later it turned out the kid had mental issues. Go figure.
So none would assist her, huh?
Will we ever get the rest of the story?
Looks like it was “planned”…as you can see everyone so calm…as if they all knew it was going to happen.