Time to stop funding Planned Parenthood’s manipulative influence and social-engineering practices that have disrupted the nuclear family and destroyed millions of lives at taxpayers expense . Abortion advocacy groups received $1.89 billion in federal funding between fiscal year 2019 and 2021, according to a new report from the Government Accountability Office. The International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF) received $2.03 million in federal funding over the three-year period. Despite the FACT over 80% percent of Americans oppose using taxpayer dollars to fund abortions in other countries.
The big abortion providers are continuing to receive billions of dollars in federal taxpayer funding. DeomRATS siphoned over $90 million from the Paycheck Protection Program, specifically designed to help our mom and pop shops keep their doors open, allowing more money to pour into Planned Parenthood
Over 5 million murdered funded by the American TAXPAYER