I think Pelosi should contact Israel before they spend all of that money on a technology that doesn’t work. I mean after all, who is in a better position to know what works and what doesn’t work?
Its really scary that some who is that out of touch with reality is in a position to bring our government to a standstill.
I would like to hear from all the Democrats who are dual US-Israeli citizens on this. Not only did they vote to give Israel money for their wall but they also seem very concerned about keeping immigration into Israel tightly controlled. Why is the US any different?
Or maybe they aren’t representing our interests in Congress, but those of a foreign power.
You are right. It used to be that to be considered a nitwit, you had to be born stupid. A lot of these Democrats are being deliberately stupid to earn that title. (Please note, plenty of the Democrats were born that way.)
It takes intelligence to be involved with profoundly stupid Stupid that can harm more than just you or those immediately around you, Stupid that can endure and fester and pustulate long after those who first proposed it (mostly 19th century it seems where the modern Left is concerned) have gone to meet their maker.
In fact, given the limits of human activity at this time – we cannot endanger any more than the Left is already a danger to – I would say that substantively the Left has aleady maxed out what Stupid is actually humanly achievable. Anything more (like genderism and the letter soup madness) crazy than now would just be them descending into madness and evil.
If you count outside and inside corners, there are 20.
Two each at the four ends of the lines=8
Two each at the four corners where the lines turn toward the center= 8 more
Four where the lines cross=4